[T2CAN-590] Add the ability to see the Can Use supersedes for a part using Invoicing Modal(Only phone room)
[T2CAN-622] UAP - Call center password - Manager unable to remove it
[T2CAN-495] Message on invoice gets UAPC0000 - Mainframe stuck on WAIT
[STEL-2723] Unable to finalize the Save & Recall invoice via Phone-room login
[T2CAN-513] Invoices by email - need to reflect Altrom/auto-Camping
[T2CAN-326] Logo is missing in PDF Statement for CANADA Stores - addition of logs.
[STEL-2583] Quote - Research -Tax calculation Implementation - On/Off Switch
[STEL-1378] Quote - Research -Tax calculation Implementation
[STEL-2394] FOTAB - Specific Part Discount tab from Review Factory Order Tables takes a long time and is always blank
[STEL-2436] Interim Statements - Statement send count which sent to the customer Email address is displaying incorrectly as 1 $, when user trying to do the Email Statements for multiple customers for French Language
[STEL-1956] Provide better user message when emailing / printing Interim Statements to show how many statements were actually emailed to customers.
[STEL-2077] [Reverting] EOD Financial Export - Build DW export in /usr/tams/database/tmp and when successfully created move the file to /usr/tams/database
[STEL-2201] HLC - Webdashboard/Reports need to read the Help URL from Communication_URL from HELP_AND_LEARNING_CENTER
[STEL-2200] HLC - Webdashboard/Store Communications need to read the Help URL from Communication_URL from HELP_AND_LEARNING_CENTER
[T2CAN-360]Price Lock - When user presses the tab key on the Quantity field, the System sets the focus on the "Supersede [F4]"button instead of setting the focus on the OK textbox.
[T2CAN-235] Add Price Lock functionality to TAMS Point of Sale(Added fix convert the lockRetailPrice field from int to lockable boolean )
[T2CAN-252] Exclude Price Lock Functionality for newly Added item not in inventory or cd_inv
[T2CAN-235] Add Price Lock functionality to TAMS Point of Sale
  1. … 19 more files in changeset.
[STEL-1889] EOD Batch Process - Disable Automatic EOD section under the EOD Maintenance Page(Code Review commit).
[STEL-1889] EOD Batch Process - Disable Automatic EOD section under the EOD Maintenance Page.
[STEL-1897] Production - archived daily data extract data data sometimes missing(initial commit)
[STEL-1897] Add Enable/Disable flag for newly added field (Price Locked ,Max Discount %).
[STEL-1739] Add New Gross Profit values to Customer.
[STEL-1739] Add New Gross Profit values to Customer[Reverting back code due to new feature need to go along with this card].
[STEL-1739] Add New Gross Profit values to Customer.
[STEL-1778] Add Logs for investigation - End of day created 2 sales reports transmitting files.
[STEL-1593] Add Reboot Check before starting Auto EOD
[STEL-1382] Daily Data Extract data missing if EOD fails and/or file is not polled, when ran the next day it only picks up for that day only {Code Review commit}
[STEL-1382] Daily Data Extract data missing if EOD fails and/or file is not polled, when ran the next day it only picks up for that day only
[STEL-1322] Delete, Date-Time should be displayed as per the store datetimesetting.[code Review commit]