Checkout Tools
  • last updated 8 hours ago
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[TNSS-6986] (Upgrade_v. Make DB version number match TAMSII app version number.
[TNSS-6988] Consolidate shell scripts from 3.44 to 3.48 versions for rebuild
[TNSS-6986] (Upgrade_v. Make DB version number match TAMSII app version number.
[TNSS-6986] (Upgrade_v. Make DB version number match TAMSII app version number.
[TNSS-6983] - Code signing b_3_48 branch with new key
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[TNSS-6770] Adding Upgrade_v.
[TNSS-6875] Customer Domain Request/Response handler for new publish URL, update for cookie
[TNSS-6875] Customer Domain Request/Response handler for new publish URL
[Stel-2412] Roll back Jasper Customer Statement to 3.45 version
[STEL-2402]-changing the datatype for customer change queue column retry_count and adding back this in 3 48 version instead 3 49
[TNSS-6881] System allows the user to enter more return amount in the payment card and allows the user to finalize the invoice.
[TNSS-6859] Update the QA and PROD properties files with the new timeout property for Regulation Load.
[TNSS-6859] Added logic to use a default value of 10000 when the timeout property for the regulation process is missing or is non-numeric.
[TNSS-6770] Adding Upgrade_v.
[TNSS-6873] Merge -v. into b_3_48_00_00
[TNSS-6834] - Reverted the code changes done to exclude the condition check for Gift Card minimums on a refund to a gift card
[TNSS-6610] - Required code Changes done based on the code review suggestions.
[TNSS-6711]--code changes are made based on the review comments
[STEL-2077] [Reverting] EOD Financial Export - Build DW export in /usr/tams/database/tmp and when successfully created move the file to /usr/tams/database
[STEL-2295] Check the weekends run during Cloud Back alert creation. (Reverted STEL-2323) - Reverted Code Changes
[TNSS-6746] Reverted changes from revision 253020
  1. … 90 more files in changeset.
[TNSS-6746] GC - Display the max refund amount on the right side while tendering - code refactoring done
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  1. … 90 more files in changeset.
[TNSS-6746] GC - Display the max refund amount on the right side while tendering - code refactoring done
[TNSS-6770] Make DB version number match TAMSII app version b_3_48_00_00.
[TNSS-6847] Merge -v. into b_3_48_00_00
[T2CAN-411] Update Phone Room Line Abbrev selection to use remote store data when Call Center is ON
[TNSS-6530] Modified code to restrict ROA invoice emails when customer setting is set to Y.
[TNSS-6610] Display additional tender instructions when EasyPay is selected from Payment Card options
[TNSS-6639] Made changes to send email notification for successful or failed of inbound files from JMO/Indago