Checkout Tools
  • last updated 8 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
[T2CAN-717] Invoice Delivery_flag updating as 'N' when AUTO_ACK_ALWAYS_DELIVER is '0' or '10' and customer_delivery.delivery_ref_option_cd = 'A'
[MSAPP-1911] Added tms_jobs.csv to /usr/tams/database
[EOD-92] committing the changes for issues EOD-196,199,200,201
[MSAPP-1911] Modified toggle between UBL and Python
[TNSS-7879] - Reverted the code changes done to handle updated list of BOPIS cancelation reason codes.
[TNSS-7758] (v. Made code changes for re-build.

[TNSS-7244] Reverting the code changes
[TNSS-7858] - Quote - Remove Accounting Day from Quote PDF as it is not accurate
[TNSS-7758] (v. Made code changes after code merge for DB version number to match TAMSII app version number.

[TNSS-7848] Merge - v. into b_4_13_00_00
[TNSS-7445]IPC - Reverse/remove a charge - Changes to consider amount if authorized amount is missing.
[TNSS-7445]IPC - Reverse/remove a charge - Adding conditional check on client side.
[STEL-2794] DISCOUNT_JOURNAL_ENTRIES value in AR_TERMS that is associated to the customer the EARNABLE_DISCOUNT is being calculated. When the value is N the EARNABLE_DISCOUNT should be set to 0.
[TNSS-7768] - NAPA IPC - Update sale transaction request to use PinPadId instead of PinPadIP - set response message
[EOD-92] Build Calendar for Auto EOD
[TNSS-7758] (v. DB file changes after code merge.
[TNSS-7804] Merge - v. into b_4_13_00_00
[SPP-232] New directories created in /usr/tams/database to store pricing data load files.



[T2CAN-674] Prevent asterisks * in "NOTE" field to avoid discrepancies in WIP files generated by TAMS
[TNSS-5959] Made code changes to Request minimum quantity to stop sale instead of just displaying a message.
[TNSS-7714]Check QOH when adding items to an order via POS scan gun
[TNSS-7768] - NAPA IPC - Update sale transaction request to use PinPadId instead of PinPadIP
[T2CAN-628] Implement Delivery and Payment options in Auto Invoicing
[TNSS-7445]IPC - Reverse/remove a charge - Adding conditional check on client side.
[T2CAN-590] Add the ability to see the Can Use supersedes for a part using Invoicing Modal(Only phone room)
[TNSS-7799] Merge - v. into b_4_13_00_00
[TNSS-7445]IPC - Rolling back changes to SalesManager changes.
[STEL-2818] Add Additional Auto Invoice options to Invoice Message Screen
[STEL-2823] RPT088- Need to modify the report to handle negative EFTs to be in alignment with RPT008
[EOD-168] Add new DB Tables for Days Closed and hours of operation.