Checkout Tools
  • last updated 8 hours ago
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Constraints: dates
[TNSS-6862] (Upgrade_v. Make DB version number match TAMSII app version number.
[TNSS-6503] - Code Signing TAMS app with the new key
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[TNSS-6503] - revert changes. So that this build will use old key to build
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[STEL-2456] Issue found Communication Dir Customer Domain Extract
[TNSS-6965] Added logic to URL Encode the city and county names that are added to the URL.
[TNSS-6862] (v. Make DB version number match TAMSII app version number.
[TNSS-6503] - Code Signing TAMS app - need in ALL stores before January 30, 2024
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[TNSS-6958]Fixing CSG return invoice tender showing null
[TNSS-6962] Removing the old help files and references from TAMS.
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  1. /branches/b_3_49_00_00/Help/src/main/robohelp
[TNSS-6862] (v. Make DB version number match TAMSII app version number.
[STEL-2436] Interim Statements - Statement send count which sent to the customer Email address is displaying incorrectly as 1 $, when user trying to do the Email Statements for multiple customers for French Language
[T2CAN-472] Snyk High: SQL Injection
[STEL-1956] Provide better user message when emailing / printing Interim Statements to show how many statements were actually emailed to customers.
[TNSS-6818] I&S domain need customers preferred language as part of the feed, update after merge.
[TNSS-6862] (v. Make DB version number match TAMSII app version number.
[TNSS-6583] - Limit Refund Tenders - Mgr Override - ESC, Close X functions are not working on “Refund Tender Type -Approval “ modal
[T2CAN-397] Phone Room: Add Manager Selection to Gross Profit Override Screen (Code review changes)
[TNSS-6902] JMO - Update new Notification UI display logic to only display when INDAGO_IN_USE flag is on
[STEL-2420] Customer Domain Initial Load SQL Updates - SQL Updated
[STEL-1614] Catalog not loading - protective coding needed to handle bad catalog data
[TNSS-6852] - Promo- Web Maintain Order Selection Group for Promo is not displaying properly. It jumbles the fields and overlaps in French
[EDGE-6] Renamed LD flag name as per review comments.
[TNSS-6818] I&S domain need customers preferred language as part of the feed, add TAMS version to I&S Azure log.
[STEL-2405] UAP - Pricing Files are not getting updated via EOD --> Added Q and W to the list of 'Prices' in the P1 records.
[T2CAN-397] Phone Room: Add Manager Selection to Gross Profit Override Screen
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[TNSS-6870] DB - Email Tab – French – Option for Send Email invoice copies - Translations.
[STEL-2365] Inventory-Adjustments-Receipts-Packing Slip number stays in screen even after saving the Receipts
[TNSS-6819] NXP - Enlarge the Purchase order # column in TAMS in receive goods so that we see all the NXP PO #
[EDGE-6] Modified code to restrict Transin pending price changes, when new launch darkly flag is turned ON.
[TNSS-5785] Snyk High: downloadExcelError.jsp - Unsanitized input from an HTTP parameter(Size:Medium)