Akash Patil

[EOD-139] Manage Errors in Start End of Day Modal
  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
[EOD-169] Fix Exception found in Costing EOD Screen
[EOD-85] Change EOD flow to start with server-side functionality
[EOD-118] Return to EOD button is overlapped in Start EOD-> Review Employee Time screen
[EOD-82] Move EOD Review/Change Transaction Functionality to the new Check List EOD Review Screen
[EOD-76] Link Review Screens back to End of Day
[STEL-2288] EOD Batch Process: - Validation improvement needed for 'Prerequisite task'

[EOD-56] New Task to be added in BMC EOD - Email Invoices (needs rebuild of 4.02) - reverted EODAutoTriggerBackOffice.java changes
[STEL-2411] API / Auto EOD -- Add Print options to EOD Profile Screen, change EOD flow to use printer values (default for EOD)
[STEL-2287] EOD Batch Process: - 'Current task running' validation improvement needed for task 'Process Received Communication'

[STEL-2118] Update the EOD in Progress message removing ??? and unknown (Code Review Changes)
[STEL-2118] Update the EOD in Progress message removing ??? and unknown
[STEL-2123] Close of Business page translation needs to be done as per the locale.
[STEL-2122] Close of Day: - Add validation to check prerequisite task status check.
[STEL-1932] Create Close of Day function in TAMS to replace End of Day function - BMC Cash Receipt
  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
[STEL-2107] Rename the task name from Regulation Load to Block Sales RegService Call
[STEL-2059] Validation improvement needed for the first task to display the progress of Prerequisite task - Code Review Changes
[STEL-2059] Validation improvement needed for the first task to display the progress of Prerequisite task.
[STEL-2050] Need to add database columns in End of Day profile table for Close of Day functionality - Java Changes
[STEL-2078] Hide Restart and Start Backup Now buttons from EOD Monitor Screen.
[STEL-2009] Need to add the Regulation load task to the EOD Task list for BMC.
[STEL-1986] System displays Warning modal in the EOD screen and does not allow the user to run the EOD
[STEL-1811] EOD Batch Process - Disable the EOD of Day Manual Screen from displaying when EOD Triggered source is API
[STEL-1795] EOD Batch Process - If Critical Offline Task Failed restrict other tasks from executing.
[STEL-1777] EOD Batch Process - Create validation as per the value of EOD_TRIGGERED_TODAY column from EOD_API_TRIGGER_STATUS table.
[STEL-1704] EOD Batch Process - Add column to End of Day Profile table - Java Changes
[STEL-1504] Increase the size of logs for transin2 process.
[STEL-1437] Rewards - Invitation to enroll prompt is displayed in English when store locale is French/Spanish
[STEL-1222] Part is not getting inserted into the invoice line list panel.
[STEL-1256] Phone Room: - Store Profile table data is not updating after performing db changes.