Checkout Tools
  • last updated 4 hours ago
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Changeset 250953 is being indexed.

[STEL-1811] EOD Batch Process - Disable the EOD of Day Manual Screen from displaying when EOD Triggered source is API
[STEL-1808] Kit Invoice Line Item Original_unit_price - Need the logic to determine the correct original_unit_price for kit components. (Code review changes)
[TNSS-5905] Incremented Upgrade_v.
[TNSS-5971] Application throws exception and freezes when printing Packing Slip
[TNSS-6040] Remove - Allow bigger JWT grace period for google authorization token.
[TNSS-5919] Modified code rename lock file name & location.
[TNSS-6041] CDFI - CFDI payload request/response should be logged at info level in order to analyze production issues in the future
[STEL-1927] New Invoice does not use language properties correctly.
[TNSS-6018] Made changes to fix the sql query issue in RPT108A report
[TNSS-5935] Made changes to remove duplicate entries in Order Selection Group Search Window
[STEL-1879]-Added the default value again for the column REGULATION_RUN_FREQUENCY
[TNSS-5609]--Display warning message when manual entry of a credit card is used for a refund
[STEL-1808] Kit Invoice Line Item Original_unit_price - Need the logic to determine the correct original_unit_price for kit components (Code review changes)
[TNSS-5981] Block Sales - New stored procedure sp_load_regulation created which fetches data from temp tables and inserts into regulation tables.
[TNSS-6038]- Insert statement GC Restrict the number of Gift cards activated in a single invoice to 10
[TNSS-5902] Modified code to load CDF line fee amount from invoicing profile table.
  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
[STEL-1879]-Create a column in the end of day profile table for regulation service
[TNSS-6033] Made changes to use the existing GCP auth token classes, also delete the new GCP auth token classes that were added in TNSS-5409. Also add production property files that were missed in TNSS-5409.
[TNSS-5938] - Committed the code changes done to fetch Customer Details

[TNSS-5974] GC - Restrict the number of Gift cards activated in a single invoice to 10
[TNSS-5978] Make the database version number match the TAMS II application version number.
[TNSS-6037] Merge - v. and v. into b_3_39_00_00
  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
[STEL-1888] - Scanner user would like to see the Customer Number and Name on special orders.
[STEL-1808] Kit Invoice Line Item Original_unit_price - Need the logic to determine the correct original_unit_price for kit components
[STEL-1806] Posting error while finalizing call center saved invoices through recall saved invoice screen- Code review changes
[TNSS-5980]-Block Sales - TAMS: Temp Tables fixing the names per TAMS standard.
[TNSS-5950] Add new column 'AAA_CUSTOMER' in customer.

Set default values to 'Y' for Customer '41054' & '9054'.

[TII-61285] Copying tag v. to TAMSII_SecurityScans branch
[TII-61285] Deleting the TAMSII_SecurityScans branch so that it can be copied back from v.
[TII-61285] Copying tag v. to TAMSII_SecurityScans branch