Checkout Tools
  • last updated 2 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates

Changeset 213534 is being indexed.

ESB-20881 create new branch Hawk_Configuration for Hawk Rules changes

ESB-20744-[INVENTORY] Change all Store Inventory services to use NSight Store IP Service endpoint

ESB-20822-[NSIGHT] Remove Payload logging for DC Inventory Logs except for exceptions

ESB-20708 - Notify NXP after all retries are done

ESB-20744-[INVENTORY] Change all Store Inventory services to use NSight Store IP Service endpoint

ESB-20806-[REWARDS] Need to capture payload on exceptions

ESB-20353 committing the changes to master file

  1. … 97 more files in changeset.

ESB-20662-[INVOICE] setting the content-type while Sending all invoices to PROLink

ESB-20708 - Notify NXP after all retries are done

ESB-20744-[INVENTORY] Change all Store Inventory services to use NSight Store IP Service endpoint

ESB-20744-[INVENTORY] Change all Store Inventory services to use NSight Store IP Service endpoint

ESB-20729 - Updated code to use NSight StoreIP Service

ESB-20708 - Notify NXP after all retries are done

ESB-20353 committing the changes to master file

  1. … 3101 more files in changeset.

ESB-20802 Disable Old Store IP Load File processing and enable transfer to new location

ESB-20802 Disable Old Store IP Load File processing and enable transfer to new location

ESB-20799 Changes to validate PURGROUND. Also, reverted changes that were not meant to be checked in with another ticket.

ESB-18773 Create API to maintain CLE Replay Configurations

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.

ESB-20738 - Updated code to use NSight StoreIP Service

ESB-18454 Made file changes for Build_Deploy_Utilities for UAT2

ESB-20426 Install crontabs for UAT2

ESB-18454 Made file changes for Build_Deploy_Utilities for UAT2

ESB-20708 - Notify NXP after all retries are done

ESB-20427 Install storeip script for UAT2

ESB-20426 Install crontabs for UAT2

ESB-20782 - implement JDE and POS Retry for AsyncSalesOrder

ESB-20744-[INVENTORY] Change all Store Inventory services to use NSight Store IP Service endpoint

ESB-20820 Made changes to prolink e-mail distribution list.

ESB-20729 - Updated code to use NSight StoreIP Service


Updated Canonical message process to map the optional fields with data existence check