Kiran Kalathil

ESB-32445Ignore parts matching certain part quantity attributes in the exported file

ESB-31531 Connection Library for Connections to the newly stood up EMS servers

ESB-31531 Connection Library for Connections to the newly stood up EMS servers

ESB-31271 Order WHI Making Model To Accept Case-insensitive OrderType

ESB-31249 Fixing Session Counts Are High on Replay Handler

ESB-31271 Order WHI Making Model To Accept Case-insensitive OrderType

ESB-30253 Updated Code to Close JMS Session after publishing the replay message

ESB-30290 Updated the Spring Boot Version on the project

ESB-30311 Updated the Spring Boot Version on the project

ESB-30253 Updated Code to Close JMS Session after publishing the replay message

ESB-30270 Update Spring Boot Version to 2.6.6 on nsight-customer

ESB-30101[LOG] Upgrade Log Management and Exception Management to Spring boot 2.6.6

ESB-30101[LOG] Upgrade Log Management and Exception Management to Spring boot 2.6.6

ESB-30009 Fixing errors in Deployment properties file

ESB-30009 Fixing trailing space for the property which caused failure in deployment

ESB-29951 Adding configurations to configure additional instances for Loyalty applications

ESB-29951 Adding configurations to configure additional instances for Loyalty applications

ESB-29951 Adding configurations to configure additional instances for Loyalty applications

ESB-29951 Adding configurations to configure additional instances for Loyalty applications

ESB-29951 Adding configurations to configure additional instances for Loyalty applications

ESB-29951 Adding configurations to configure additional instances for Loyalty applications

ESB-29951 Adding configurations to configure additional instances for Loyalty applications

ESB-29951 Adding configurations to configure additional instances for Loyalty applications

ESB-29863 Fixed incorrect timeout value in PROD2 project properties file

ESB-29868 Fixed properties for APG_ES_Notification and APG_POS_InvoiceFeed

ESB-29838 Fixed deployment properties for LogMgmt Engine

ESB-29833 Fixed project properties for this Retail Merchandising application

ESB-29880 Fixed Timeout Values between Facade Operation and Target Operation

ESB-29897 Making changes to lookup the multiple caches to find out vPromos LoyaltyID information

ESB-29674 [LOYALTY] Add Ability to Cache vPromos LoyaltyID-StoreID Mapping For UAP Stores and use it for Reward Transactions