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ESB-33236:APACHE DNS Verification

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ESB-33334- Added empty line to test apix deployemnt

ESB-33261-[TIBCO Upgrade] Change deployment properties files to point to new CNAMES in QA.

ESB-33045 - Creating a new queue for prolink and bridging it with prolink delivery status queue

ESB-32664 Set conditions before sending delivery notifications to TAMS exphandling

ESB-32664 Set conditions before sending delivery notifications to TAMS Allowfiltering

ESB-32664 Set conditions before sending delivery notifications to TAMS

ESB-32632 Logging changes to DeliveryStatusNotificationToTAMS

ESB-32548-Replay mechanism for DeliveyServiceNotification for TAMS changes done for MaxRetries-Endlog

ESB-32548-Replay mechanism for DeliveyServiceNotification for TAMS changes done-Reverted the begin Log

ESB-32548-Replay mechanism for DeliveyServiceNotification for TAMS changes done for logging

ESB-32548-Replay mechanism for DeliveyServiceNotification for TAMS changes done for MaxRetries

ESB-32548-Replay mechanism for DeliveyServiceNotification for TAMS changes done in ExpHandler

ESB-32548-Replay mechanism for DeliveyServiceNotification for TAMS changes done in replay

ESB-32548-Replay mechanism for DeliveyServiceNotification for TAMS

ESB-32017-[Delivery Management]-Set NoExplicitCAChain property in Deployment Property files

ESB-32017-[Delivery Management]-Set NoExplicitCAChain property in Deployment Property files

ESB-31947-[Delivery Management]-Set NoExplicitCAChain property in Deployment Property files

ESB-31947-[Delivery Management]-Set NoExplicitCAChain property in Deployment Property files

ESB-31837 Smoke Test suite update

ESB-31583 Enable API Exchange Gateway for the secure communication with the web services at the backend

  1. … 43 more files in changeset.

ESB-31584-FI-3989 - BW Changes for communication via https-Delivery management

ESB-31583 FI-3989 - APIX Changes for communication via https - Reverted

  1. … 1101 more files in changeset.

ESB-31583 FI-3989 - APIX Changes for communication via https

  1. … 53 more files in changeset.

ESB-31584-FI-3989 - BW Changes for communication via https-Delivery management

ESB-31481 Enable https call to internal F5

  1. … 12 more files in changeset.

PROD and PROD2 updated for APIX and BW layer

ESB-31272 - Updated correct IBSHub URI for delivery status service

ESB-31272 - Added certificates to invoke IBS service

ESB-31272 - Updated QA IBSHub properties