Checkout in ESB

ESB-28323 create script to drop atm_s2sdm and store_missing_invoice from nsight.

ESB-27830 - check in initial instance shell script to be used by

ESB-27830 - check in initial instance shell script to be used by

ESB-27506 - check in initial instance level shell scripts to be used by

ESB-27764 - remove the nsight-site application since it is not used.

ESB-27569 added file copy for change to QUORUM

ESB-27764-removed dependency on nsight-site

ESB-27764-removed dependency on nsight-site

ESB-27618 check in APG_ES_Common changes for log4j vulnerabilities

ESB-27618 check in ReplayHandler changes for log4j vulnerabilities.

ESB-27618 check in Maintenance changes for log4j vulnerabilities.

ESB-27618 check in ApplicationLogHandler changes for log4j vulnerabilities.

ESB-27618 check in APG_ES_Shipment changes for log4j vulnerabilities.

ESB-27618 check in APG_ES_Product changes for log4j vulnerabilities. Removed some .idea and target directories that should not be checked in.

ESB-27618 check in APG_ES_Order changes for log4j vulnerabilities

ESB-27618 check in APG_ES_Invoice changes for log4j vulnerabilities

ESB-27618 check in APG_ES_Customer changes for log4j vulnerabilities

ESB-27618 check in APG_ES_Site changes for log4j vulnerabilities

ESB-27618 check in APG_ES_Common changes for log4j vulnerabilities

ESB-27569 added file copy for change to QUORUM

ESB-27569 - changed reads and writes to QUORUM

ESB-26383 Removing dead branch APG_ES_Cart in prepartion for moving to GitHub

ESB-27537 - changed port number on customer-account

ESB-27333 check in change to rule_template.tcl

ESB-27353 - check in rules and pools for new maintenance app in NSight

ESB-23419 changes for customer-registration

ESB-27392 added to the prod vip

ESB-26732 - maintenance JMX port 49999

ESB-26957 - change maintenance port to 49999

ESB-26957 - update to NFusePortUsage.xlsx