Checkout in TAMSII

[TNSS-7884] (v. DB file changes for new branch.
    • ?
[TNSS-7806] Made code changes after code merge for DB version number to match TAMSII app version number.

Fixed errors occurred during execution of

[TNSS-7758] (v. Made code changes for re-build.

[TNSS-7758] (v. Made code changes after code merge for DB version number to match TAMSII app version number.

[EOD-193] Lock flag in TAMS to prevent on hand change.

Adding constraint CHECK (PREVENT_ON_HAND_CHANGE IN (0,1,10,11)) in CLASSIFICATION_PROFILE table.

[EOD-188] Add Security Option for Auto EOD SQL.
[EOD-192] Add Column 'EXPORT_ORDER_AS_CSV' to Table 'VENDOR' for export ordering for UAP.
[SPP-200] Data - Build Pricing Job Status table.

Adding new table: "PRICING_JOB_STATUS".

[TNSS-7701] (v. Incremented Upgrade_v.
[SPP-201] Data - Build Product Level pricing table

Adding new table: 'PRODUCT_LEVEL_PRICING' and related FK's, Index and Triggers.

[SPP-245] Data - Fix to 'sp_drop_object' stored procedure as it's failing for table name with size greater than 36.


Adding new table: 'CUSTOMER_SEGMENT_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING' and related FK's, Index and Triggers.

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[TNSS-7806] (v. DB file changes for new branch.
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[TNSS-7758] (v. DB file changes after code merge.
[TNSS-7701] (v. Made code changes after code merge for DB version number to match TAMSII app version number.
[EOD-168] Add new DB Tables for Days Closed and hours of operation.
[TNSS-7783] (v. Two paths for rebuild:

1. Upgrade_v.

2. Upgrade_v.

[TNSS-7701] (v. Incremented Upgrade_v.
[SPP-199] Data - Build Customer to Product Segment pricing table.

Created new table: 'CUSTOMER_TO_PRODUCT_SEGMENT_PRICING' and related FK's, Index, Triggers and Permissions.

[SPP-197] Data - Build Customer to Customer Segment table.

Adding new table: 'CUSTOMER_TO_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT' and related Index and Triggers.

[TNSS-7753] Increase the length of the password column in EMPLOYEE and PASSWORD_HISTORY to 60 characters.
[SPP-198] Data - Build Customer to Item pricing table.

Adding new table: 'CUSTOMER_TO_ITEM_PRICING' and related FK's, Index and Triggers.

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[TNSS-7758] (v. DB file changes for new branch.
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[STEL-2627] Adding entry in REF_AR_TRANSACTION_TYPE.
[TNSS-7701] (v. Remove old DB script file.

[TNSS-7648] (v. Incremented DB version number match for re-build.
[TNSS-7648] (v. Make DB version number match TAMSII app version number.
[TNSS-7637] IPC - DB - UUID will be used to track the transaction in the new PAV.

The IPC_JOURNEY_KEY column size in INVOICE_PAYMENT table increase to 36.

[TNSS-7577] Changes MULTI_STORE_PROFILE.PAUSE_TMS from Y/N to utilize GETDATE().
[TNSS-7648] (v. Make DB version number match TAMSII app version number.
[TNSS-7702] (v. Two paths for rebuild:

1. Upgrade_v.

2. Upgrade_v.