Checkout in IBSOrderAndInventoryVisibility

[IBSOIV-9144] Handling various file formats appropriately.
[IBSOIV-9121] Save grid settings for supplier shopping lists
[IBSOIV-9154] Bug fix for pattern regex on billed qty (not accepting valid values with 0)
[IBSOIV-9154] Issues raised by QA on Angular upgrade
[IBSOIV-9157] Updating modals and linking them all in respective files. Another commit on 9152 for remaining
[IBSOIV-9157] Updating modals and linking them all in respective files. Another commit on 9152 for remaining
[IBSOIV-9155] Surplus parts and relevant reformatting changes
[IBSOIV-9154] Surplus reports and relevant reformatting changes
[IBSOIV-9153] Surplus requests and relevant reformatting changes
[IBSOIV-9156] Surplus opportunities and relevant reformatting changes
[IBSOIV-9152] Updating modals and linking them all in respective files.
  1. … 23 more files in changeset.
[IBSOIV-9152] Transfer details module reformatting and linking with new modals
[IBSOIV-9086] Updated version number for new QA deployment
[IBSOIV-9086] Updated version number for new QA deployment
[IBSOIV-9086] Angular Upgrade Issues. NAPA location icon size updated

Bug fixes given by ravi and aruna


Receive resolve module reformatting


Updated instances of modals pointing to wrong directory


Updated portal version number


List received parts module reformatting and updating all references


List buyout po module reformatting and updating all references

  1. … 10 more files in changeset.

Fixed the Edit shops and update shops functionality


Asset exceptions reformatting to component model


Assets reformatting to component model


Sync Interstore function updated on tams location syncs


Parts under warranty reformatting to component model


user management conversion to the component model

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.

user settings conversion to the component model


suppliers conversion to the component model


admin settings conversion

adding ng-tags-input