
Checkout Tools
  • last updated a few seconds ago
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Constraints: dates

Updated instances of modals pointing to wrong directory


Updated portal version number

[IBSOIV-8997] Made changes to request format to capture all integration messages
[IBSOIV-8997] Made changes to request format to capture all integration messages
[IBSOIV-8973] Corrected the overrides for spec files in eslint.
[IBSOIV-8973] Removed spec files for eslint.
[IBSOIV-8973] Added coverage for all of the modules.
[IBSOIV-8974] Reformatting Home Module
[IBSOIV-8973] Reformatting Login Module using eslint.
[IBSOIV-9096] Reformatting List Received Parts Module. Fixed the module injection and spacing.
[IBSOIV-9098] Reformatting WorkOrders List Module. Added eslint.
  1. … 17 more files in changeset.

List received parts module reformatting and updating all references


List buyout po module reformatting and updating all references

  1. … 10 more files in changeset.

Fixed the Edit shops and update shops functionality

[IBSOIV-9095] Reformatting WorkOrders Module.

Added confirmation before resetting the part request.

[IBSOIV-9086] Done with:

1. Header Menu->Part Maintenance Add Part

2. Header Menu->Part Maintenance Generate Label

[IBSOIV-8974] Reformatting Home Module. Added ibsModalService to show common uib modals.
[IBSOIV-9011] Angular Update changes with popups and buttons
[IBSOIV-9011] Angular Update changes with popups and buttons
[IBSOIV-8974] Reformatting Home Module. Added ibsModalService to show common uib modals.

POC: Demo Angular Localization functionality. (Feb. 7th)

[IBSOIV-8997] Made changes to request format to capture all integration messages
[IBSOIV-9070] create IBSOIV9070 tag to build IBSRegularRelease/TestFramework/TestScripts/IBS_HUB_BuildVerification
[IBSOIV-9070] create IBSOIV9070 tag to build IBSRegularRelease Tibco Apps
[IBSOIV-9070] create IBSOIV9070 tag to build IBSRegularRelease/ibsportal.report
[IBSOIV-8973] Added protractor and e2e tests for login module.
[IBSOIV-8997] Made changes to request format to capture all integration messages

Asset exceptions reformatting to component model


Assets reformatting to component model


Sync Interstore function updated on tams location syncs