
Checkout Tools
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[IBSOIV-9086] Updated version number for new QA deployment
[IBSOIV-9086] Angular Upgrade Issues. Fixed link issue on Supply Orders Grid.
[IBSOIV-9086] Angular Upgrade Issues. Fixed Create New Part Order issues.
[IBSOIV-8997] Added a new service for integration Management
[IBSOIV-9127] Invoice detail modal formatted and updated the touch points.
  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
[IBSOIV-9127] New Returns model reformatted.
[IBSOIV-9127] Invoice: Renamed the service and updated it in all the files.
  1. … 13 more files in changeset.
[IBSOIV-9127] Reformatting Invoices Module
  1. … 16 more files in changeset.

Added Integration changes for demo.

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
[IBSOIV-8976] Reformatting Open Part Requests Module
[IBSOIV-9118] create 1.22.01 tag to build IBSRegularRelease/TestFramework/TestScripts/IBS_HUB_BuildVerification
[IBSOIV-9118] create v.1.22.01 tag to build IBSRegularRelease Tibco Apps
[IBSOIV-9118] create 1.22.01 tag to build IBSRegularRelease/ibsportal.report
[IBSOIV-9118] create 1.22.01 tag to build IBSRegularRelease/ibsportal
[IBSOIV-8976] Reformatting Open Part Requests Module]
[IBSOIV-9086] Angular Upgrade Issues. NAPA location icon size updated
[IBSOIV-9086] Angular Upgrade Issues. Fixed newHQLineAbbrev html reference and suppliers grid access.

Bug fixes given by ravi and aruna

[IBSOIV-9086] Angular Upgrade Issues. Fixed Custom Task Codes issue.
[IBSOIV-9113] Removed Supply Order controller and html file. Reusing part-orders

Added Stock location changes for demo.

[IBSOIV-9113] Reformatting Supply Order Module
[IBSOIV-8997] Added Req Audit for all integration systems while invoicing
[IBSOIV-9066] Added a shell script to autogenerate module and routes.
[IBSOIV-9066] Added a shell script to autogenerate module and routes.
[IBSOIV-8974] Fixed issue of not showing workorder model.
[IBSOIV-8974] Fixed issue of not loading Show opportunities module.
[IBSOIV-8974] Fixed issue of not loading Transfer opportunities.
[IBSOIV-8974] Reformatting Home Module
[IBSOIV-9110] Upgraded Kendo Library to the latest.
  1. … 37 more files in changeset.