Checkout Tools
  • last updated 8 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates

Changeset 253364 is being indexed.

[TNSS-6983] - Code signing b_3_48 branch with new key
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[TNSS-6983] - Code signing b_3_45 branch with new key
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[TNSS-6983] - Code signing b_3_44 branch with new key
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[TNSS-6503] - Code Signing TAMS app with the new key
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[STEL-2382] When doing 2 EOD in the same day, the WIP file contains both days in the same file
[TNSS-6503] - revert changes. So that this build will use old key to build
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[STEL-2451] Email Tab - A/R manager profile - Need Access to branch stores Email Info Tab
[EDGE-25] Modified code to send Price Metrics to Azure, when LD flag is turned ON.
[TII-61611] tag created for v. to build b_3_49_00_00
[TII-61611] tag created for v. to build b_3_49_00_00
[EDGE-77]-Create Sybase user in Prod db, TAMS_EPDL user creation.
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[STEL-2456] Issue found Communication Dir Customer Domain Extract
[T2CAN-440] Call Center-While using Save Invoice function, Remote Store Customer ID is not saved in SAVED_INVOICE table instead it is saving Current Store Customer ID
[T2CAN-104] Cannot save cents in part pricing using TAMS in French
[STEL-2425] - Made code changes to allow screen lock login with new password if it is changed via ChangePassword.
[TNSS-6960] GC - Avoided unwanted call to refund restriction method.
[MSAPP-1812]-FOTAB - Update TMS111 - Add functionality from TMS111EXP
[TNSS-6960] GC - Addressed misc charge,delivery amount etc invoice total issue
[TNSS-6925] - Parts on the exclusion list are being added to FOTAB orders
[TNSS-6925] - Reverted Change due to incomplete commit, will commit again with complete changes.
[TNSS-6925] - Parts on the exclusion list are being added to FOTAB orders
[TNSS-6965] Added logic to URL Encode the city and county names that are added to the URL.
[TNSS-6965] Added logic to URL Encode the city and county names that are added to the URL.
[TNSS-6958]Reverting from 4.01 branch and checked-in 3.49 branch
[TII-61611] tag created for v. to build b_3_49_00_00
[TNSS-6912] DCM 1.1 - When generating a NAPA order, parts with supplier_id =1 and DC_ONLY =Y should generate a suggested order quantity based upon the criteria used during order creation
[TNSS-6862] (v. Make DB version number match TAMSII app version number.
[TNSS-6503] - Code Signing TAMS app - need in ALL stores before January 30, 2024
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[TNSS-6958]Fixing CSG return invoice tender showing null
[TNSS-6958] Fixing the missing mapping and cast exceptions to display the return tender type.