Checkout Tools
  • last updated 4 hours ago
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Changeset 252336 is being indexed.

[MSAPP-1703]-Update TMS12002 to pull updates from MS to TAMS for newly maintained columns
[MSAPP-1715]-Phase 2 -Email Info/Cust. Domain - Update TMS120 to pull changes from MS to TAMS
[TNSS-6152] Customer Domain Feed Retry handler, update 6
[TNSS-6152] Customer Domain Feed Retry handler, update 5
[TNSS-6499] Fixing compilation issue.
[TNSS-6499] Block Sales - TAMS: UI - Adjust rules for accepting certificates with blocked sales
[TNSS-6524]- Message showing 2 alternate parts instead of 1 when Placing an online reservation.
[TNSS-6152] Customer Domain Feed Retry handler, update 4

Modified os_errata_patch.sh corrected log redirects

[TNSS-6479] GC - Manager override button to allow return to any tender valid for that customer(Testing and fixing)
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Modified os_errata_patch.sh subscription-manager test to correctly capture result.

[T2CAN-238] Improve control of gross profit - add new UI options to lock retail customers for the discounting prices
[TII-61585] tag created for v. to build b_3_44_00_00
[TNSS-6076] removing prerelease version of com072
[TNSS-6076] Made the A7 variable length to allow for the new Customer Domain fields.
[TNSS-6061] - Committed the code changes done to generate Customer Domain Feed Request Payload

[STEL-2193] - Invoice – Reprint – Subtotal is missing when reprinting the invoice using the Print icon present in Review/Change transaction window.
[TNSS-6531] - update azcopy to version 10.21.0 and delete the older archive package 10.14.
[TNSS-6531] - update azcopy to version 10.21.0 and delete the older archive package 10.14.
[TNSS-6298]Block Sales - TAMS: Sales - Block banned parts via Legacy B2B Message Types
[TNSS-6061] - Committed the code changes done to generate Customer Domain Feed Request Payload

[TNSS-6463] Modified code to display new gift card checkout screen, when store is using Launch Darkly feature.
[TNSS-6152] Customer Domain Feed Retry handler, update 3
[TNSS-5976]-DCM Need to add DC_ONLY to the Daily Data Extract feed
[TNSS-6061] - Committed the code changes done to generate Customer Domain Feed Request Payload

[TNSS-6523] Block sales - Made changes to remove the cancel reason Banned Parts for BOPIS
[TNSS-6087] Reverted code to hide new email tab configurations.
[TNSS-6519]-- NAPA Easypay Card- Additional tender instructions of NAPA EasyPay is Truncated and not displayed fully in translation.
[TNSS-6394] (v. Database version number incremented for re-build.
[T2CAN-235] Add Price Lock functionality to TAMS Point of Sale(Added fix convert the lockRetailPrice field from int to lockable boolean )