Checkout Tools
  • last updated 3 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates

Changeset 252279 is being indexed.

[TNSS-6519]-- NAPA Easypay Card- Additional tender instructions of NAPA EasyPay is Truncated and not displayed fully in translation.
[TNSS-6394] (v. Database version number incremented for re-build.
[T2CAN-235] Add Price Lock functionality to TAMS Point of Sale(Added fix convert the lockRetailPrice field from int to lockable boolean )
[T2CAN-252] Exclude Price Lock Functionality for newly Added item not in inventory or cd_inv
[T2CAN-235] Add Price Lock functionality to TAMS Point of Sale
  1. … 19 more files in changeset.
[TNSS-6479] - Committed the code changes done to correct typo error.

[TNSS-6061] - Committed the code changes done to generate Customer Domain Feed Request Payload

[TNSS-6479] - Committed the code changes done to reset class level variables.

[TNSS-6169] Customer Domain framework, update3
[TNSS-6482] Snyk High: businessRulesModal.jsp Unsanitized input from an HTTP parameter (fix needed for 3.44 release)
[TNSS-6432] DB - Add URLs to COMMUNICATION_URL table for Customer Domain.
[TNSS-6454] Block sales - Made changes to block Replacement part added along with return when recalled from saved invoice
[TNSS-6389] As per collete keep existing text color and background color for block sale items
[TNSS-6389] Red color issue in recalled saved invoice for return invoice
[TNSS-6061] - Committed the code changes done to generate Customer Domain Feed Request Payload for Customer Main Table Delete.

[TNSS-6061] - Committed the code changes done to generate Customer Domain Feed Request Payload for Customer Main Table Delete.

[TNSS-6061] - Committed the code changes done to generate Customer Domain Feed Request Payload for Customer Main Table Delete.

[TNSS-6061] - Committed the code changes done to generate Customer Domain Feed Request Payload for Customer Main Table Delete.

[TNSS-6061] - Committed the code changes done to generate Customer Domain Feed Request Payload for Customer Main Table Delete.

[TNSS-6061] - Committed the code changes done to generate Customer Domain Feed Request Payload for Customer Main Table Delete.

[TNSS-6061] - Committed the code changes done to generate Customer Domain Feed Request Payload for Customer Main Table Delete.

[TNSS-6061] - Committed the code changes done to generate Customer Domain Feed Request Payload for Customer Main Table Delete.

[MSAPP-1734]-Statement Email address Update is not working from Multistore DB tp TAMSII DB as '(hyphen) is missing
[TII-61584] tag created for v. to build b_3_37_00_test
[TNSS-5940]-Need to add a new ID / description to REF_ORDER_PART_DEFER_REASON table for DC
[TII-61583] tag created for v. to build b_3_44_00_00
[TNSS-6061] - Committed the code changes done to generate Customer Domain Feed Request Payload for Customer Main Table Delete.

[TNSS-6486]Blocked part is saved again if the user saves the invoice with special function.
[TNSS-6502] Make the database version number match the TAMS II application version number.
    • ?
[TII-61583] tag created for v. to build b_3_44_00_00