
Checkout Tools
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[IBSOIV-12465]-RHEL 8 server and memory settings upgrade changes in the property files
[IBSOIV-12575] create v.1.41.83 tag to build IBSRegularRelease Tibco Apps
[IBSOIV-12571]- Supplier Name updation for existing parts also.
[IBSOIV-12567] create v.1.41.81 tag to build IBSRegularRelease Tibco Apps
[IBSOIV-12528]- Updated/Added the processes to remove the Soap call to Data Access service and have the Database calls directly here.
[IBSOIV-12465]-RHEL 8 server and tibco domain and machine name upgrade changes
  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
[IBSOIV-12465] New IBS HUB Environment
[IBSOIV-12545] create v.1.41.79 tag to build IBSRegularRelease Tibco Apps
[IBSOIV-12439]- Correcting Supplier name updating condition and also keeping sleep activity in the part loading.
[IBSOIV-12399]- Adding Restocking charges and Restocking type in the suppliers page
[IBSOIV-12465]- Configuring REST URL's in load balancing mode with Tomcat server names.
  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
[IBSOIV-12480]- Updated/Added the processes to to Add/Delete Part Alias in the MDM Recommendations from the Store MDM Recommendations.
[IBSOIV-12465]-RHEL 8 server and tibco domain upgrade changes
  1. … 35 more files in changeset.
[IBSOIV-12465] New IBS HUB Environment
[IBSOIV-12490]- Fix to not display in active Assets in the drop down under Supplier Orders
[IBSOIV-12465]-RHEL 8 TIBCO server name property changes
[IBSOIV-12514] create v.1.41.74 tag to build IBSRegularRelease Tibco Apps
[IBSOIV-12508]- Updated the process to fetch the notification details and then update the table when Notification ID is not there in the request.
[IBSOIV-12468] create v.1.41.73 tag to build IBSRegularRelease Tibco Apps
[IBSOIV-12211]- Updated the ExistingPatternsSearch Connection value.
[IBSOIV-12416] create v.1.41.64 tag to build IBSRegularRelease Tibco Apps
[IBSOIV-12394] create v.1.41.62 tag to build IBSRegularRelease Tibco Apps
[IBSOIV-12374]- Optimization of work order query in the supplier order page
[IBSOIV-12393] create v.1.41.61 tag to build IBSRegularRelease Tibco Apps
[IBSOIV-12389] - Updated the property files with PTS Database CName.
  1. … 10 more files in changeset.
[IBSOIV-12391] create v.1.41.60 tag to build IBSRegularRelease Tibco Apps
[IBSOIV-12211]- Updated the process to check if the Location part exists in TAMS or not.
[IBSOIV-12388] create v.1.41.57 tag to build IBSRegularRelease Tibco Apps
[IBSOIV-12296] - Modified the processes to show the data older than 90 days based on the ShowOlderData flag.
[IBSOIV-12375] - Mapped the correct process.