Naveen Kavali

[IBSOIV-12828]- Updated/Added processes to skip inserting the 9LO and 9IP location parts if the on hand qty is greater that Zero.
[IBSOIV-12737]- Updated/Added the Property files for the DR Setup.
  1. … 75 more files in changeset.
[IBSOIV-12802]- Modified the new patterns server VM in the properties file.
[IBSOIV-12802]- Modified the new patterns server VM in the properties file.
[IBSOIV-12802]- Modified the new patterns server VM in the properties file.
[IBSOIV-12802]- Modified the new patterns server VM in the properties file.
[IBSOIV-12715]- Added the new processes to the archive.
[IBSOIV-12715]- Enable Ship Parts Functionality at TIBCO level: Remove Parts from Inventory.
[IBSOIV-126712]- Initial check-in of the UAT2(PTS) property files for the RHEL8 server upgrade.
[IBSOIV-126721]- Updated the password of the CLE connection in LB-1 instance.
[IBSOIV-126721]- Initial check-in of the NEW PROD property files for the RHEL8 server upgrade.
  1. … 37 more files in changeset.
[IBSOIV-12296] - Reverted back the processes to show the data older than 90 days based on the ShowOlderData flag
[IBSOIV-126712]- Initial check-in of the UAT2(PTS) property files for the RHEL8 server upgrade.
  1. … 10 more files in changeset.
[IBSOIV-126712]- Initial check-in of the UAT2(PTS) property files for the RHEL8 server upgrade.
[IBSOIV-126712]- Initial check-in of the UAT2(PTS) property files for the RHEL8 server upgrade.
  1. … 11 more files in changeset.
[IBSOIV-12732]- Modified the process by replacing the CopyOff to ForEach.
[IBSOIV-126712]- Initial check-in of the UAT2(PTS) property files for the RHEL8 server upgrade.
[IBSOIV-126712]- Initial check-in of the UAT2(PTS) property files for the RHEL8 server upgrade.
  1. … 39 more files in changeset.
[IBSOIV-12694]- Modified the Scheduler process.
[IBSOIV-12675]- Initial Check-in for the Notification Mgmnt Mini service
[IBSOIV-12586] - Adding the new GV - Part Aliases which have 'DOG' Line Abbreviations should be excluded form the search similar parts.
[IBSOIV-12586] - Adding the new GV - Part Aliases which have 'DOG' Line Abbreviations should be excluded form the search similar parts.
[IBSOIV-12635] - Line Abbreviations 9LO and 9IP should not be shown in either Master part Recommendations grid or Supersede Recommendations Grid until there Inventory equals to Zero.
[IBSOIV-12635] - Line Abbreviations 9LO and 9IP should not be shown in either Master part Recommendations grid or Supersede Recommendations Grid until there Inventory equals to Zero.
[IBSOIV-12586] - Part Aliases which have 'DOG' Line Abbreviations should be excluded form the search similar parts.
[IBSOIV-12586] - Part Aliases which have 'DOG' Line Abbreviations should be excluded form the search similar parts.
[IBSOIV-12515] - Adding a new folded for the new TIBCO application IBSViewMgmt to the file.
[IBSOIV-12595]- Mapped the New part request ID to the Add part sub process.
[IBSOIV-12482]- Updated the scheduler process to skip the insert into database when the location line abbrev=DOG and updated the pattern server host to CName
[IBSOIV-12528]- Updated/Added the processes to remove the Soap call to Data Access service and have the Database calls directly here.