Checkout in IBSOrderAndInventoryVisibility

[IBSOIV-12591]- New UAT tibco domain property files updation for View Mgmt service
[IBSOIV-12675]-NotificationMgmt mini service initial deployment
  1. … 248 more files in changeset.
[IBSOIV-12612]-Fixing JDBC exception of Wrong arguments in the findTransferOppurtunity process
[IBSOIV-12591]-MDM new URL update in new UAT tibco domain property fiLES
[IBSOIV-12591]-MDM new URL updation in new UAT tibco domain property fiLES
[IBSOIV-12669]- Get Primary Vendor query optimization to fetch only one record from the database
[IBSOIV-12591]-RHEL 8 TIBCO server name updation in UAT property files initial changes for all services
  1. … 35 more files in changeset.
[IBSOIV-12591]-RHEL 8 TIBCO server name updation in UAT property files initial changes
[IBSOIV-12465]- Correcting the schema field mappings to optional
[IBSOIV-12465]- Correcting the schema values to optional
[IBSOIV-12515]- Initial commit for the View Mgmt mini service removing unit test process
  1. … 292 more files in changeset.
[IBSOIV-12515]- Initial commit for the View Mgmt mini service
  1. … 577 more files in changeset.
[IBSOIV-12465]-RHEL 8 server and memory settings changes in the new QA property files
[IBSOIV-12465]-RHEL 8 server and memory settings upgrade changes in the property files
[IBSOIV-12571]- Supplier Name updation for existing parts also.
[IBSOIV-12465]-RHEL 8 server and tibco domain and machine name upgrade changes
  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
[IBSOIV-12439]- Correcting Supplier name updating condition and also keeping sleep activity in the part loading.
[IBSOIV-12399]- Adding Restocking charges and Restocking type in the suppliers page
[IBSOIV-12465]- Configuring REST URL's in load balancing mode with Tomcat server names.
  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
[IBSOIV-12465]-RHEL 8 server and tibco domain upgrade changes
  1. … 35 more files in changeset.
[IBSOIV-12490]- Fix to not display in active Assets in the drop down under Supplier Orders
[IBSOIV-12465]-RHEL 8 TIBCO server name property changes
[IBSOIV-12374]- Optimization of work order query in the supplier order page
[IBSOIV-12294]- AddRemoveInventory mapping issue fix
[IBSOIV-12202]- Initial commit for the ReplenishmentMgmt mini service property files changes
[IBSOIV-12206]- Changes to display work order number in the Supplier PO grid DB review comments replacing IN with = in the query
[IBSOIV-12202]- Initial commit for the ReplenishmentMgmt mini service new DB pwd update for UAT and prod property files
[IBSOIV-12202]- Initial commit for the ReplenishmentMgmt mini service
  1. … 294 more files in changeset.
[IBSOIV-12206]- Changes to display work order number in the Supplier PO grid
[IBSOIV-12063]- PTS environment ems configuration changes
  1. … 33 more files in changeset.