Checkout in IBSOrderAndInventoryVisibility

[IBSOIV-9982] Added sql file to add the Invoice Line Attribute table.
[IBSOIV-9987] Added sql file to update the INV table.
[IBSOIV-9987] Added sql file to update the INV table.
[IBSOIV-9828] Add logging to CustomerSyncService - SyncInvoice Process
[IBSOIV-9688] Added Cust Part Return sequence.
[IBSOIV-9688] Added Cust Part Return table to save Warranty information.
[IBSOIV-9758] Updated Hub Location Load html

EBIS - Development of Part Sourcing Update Service Integration Service - TIBCO

[IBSOIV-9752] Added AddReturnPart DataAccess process for EBIS - support part warranty workflow
[IBSOIV-9671] Updated the remove name spaces for Part Sourcing Update.
[IBSOIV-9671] Updated the schema for Part Sourcing Update.
[IBSOIV-9671] Updated Db script for Pt Source Update table.
[IBSOIV-9671] Added Db script for Pt Source Update table.

Added database script to alter Invoice Line table column.


Credit Invoice Sync error message: N:Date must be not less than today - PR-ERR: 363'.


Added database script to alter Invoice Line table column.


EHV Dashboard: School District of Philadelphia (M5) is showing the incorrect number of inbound transactions on the Dashboard


Fixed the buffer error for converting clob to char on Part Update top 5 errors.


Fix the empty error showing up on Part Update top 5 errors.


Top 5 Part Update Sync Errors UI Mediation & Data Access


Process to update the Historical WorkOrder Audit transactions with the WorkOrders.


Integration Outbound Grid: Fixed error in adding the part update request.

[IBSOIV-9427] Modified column Response message to Clob.
[IBSOIV-9408] Fixed the open part requests grid when the response is empty.
[IBSOIV-9286] Banner Notification: Correct the functionality that is not showing the banner for given effective and expiration date.
[IBSOIV-9422] Build / Deploy 1.23.37 IBSHUB for UAT
[IBSOIV-9421] Build / Deploy 1.23.36 IBSHUB for QA

Build / Deploy 1.23.35 IBSHUB for QA

[IBSOIV-9415] Fixed UI for Replay Invoices button.
[IBSOIV-9415] Added Sync all failed initial code.