
Checkout Tools
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[IBSOIV-9671] Added Db script for Pt Source Update table.
[IBSOIV-9733] create v.1.24.22 tag to build IBSRegularRelease/TestFramework/TestScripts/IBS_HUB_BuildVerification
[IBSOIV-9733] create v.1.24.22 tag to build IBSRegularRelease Tibco Apps
[IBSOIV-9733] delete old v.1.24.22 tag for rebuild
[IBSOIV-9671] - Created a new queue for PartSourcingUpdate.
[IBSOIV-9671] - Modified the property files for PartSourcingUpdate.
[IBSOIV-9671] - Created new service for EBIS Part Sourcing Update.
[IBSOIV-9443]- Added EBIS endpoint to send invoice
[IBSOIV-9729] create v.1.24.22 tag to build IBSRegularRelease/TestFramework/TestScripts/IBS_HUB_BuildVerification
[IBSOIV-9729] delete tag to recreate it for build
[IBSOIV-9729] create v.1.24.22 tag to for /ibsportal/Database scripts
[IBSOIV-9729] create v.1.24.22 tag to build IBSRegularRelease Tibco Apps
[IBSOIV-9729] delete old v.1.24.22 tag for rebuild
[IBSOIV-9729] create v.1.24.22 tag to build IBSRegularRelease/TestFramework/TestScripts/IBS_HUB_BuildVerification
[IBSOIV-9729] delete tag to recreate it for build
[IBSOIV-9671] - Created new service for EBIS Part Sourcing Update.
[IBSOIV-9729] create v.1.24.22 tag to for /ibsportal/Database scripts
[IBSOIV-9666] - Modified the queries in the processes to select/insert/update/delete the data of the REALTM_STO_INV table based on MACSID.
[IBSOIV-9729] create v.1.24.22 tag to build IBSRegularRelease Tibco Apps
[IBSOIV-9729] create v1.24.20 tag to build IBSRegularRelease/TestFramework/TestScripts/IBS_HUB_BuildVerification
[IBSOIV-9729] create v1.24.20 tag to build IBSRegularRelease Tibco Apps
[IBSOIV-9729] delete old v1.24.20 tag for rebuild
[IBSOIV-9688] - Validate if Part warranty request applicable for return on the Work Order and send part under warranty response to EBIS
[IBSOIV-9688] - Validate if Part warranty request applicable for return on the Work Order and send part under warranty response to EBIS
[IBSOIV-9710] create v1.24.20 tag to build IBSRegularRelease/TestFramework/TestScripts/IBS_HUB_BuildVerification
[IBSOIV-9710] create v1.24.20 tag to for /ibsportal/Database scripts
[IBSOIV-9710] create v1.24.20 tag to build IBSRegularRelease Tibco Apps
[IBSOIV-9710] delete old v1.24.20 tag for rebuild
[IBSOIV-9698] create v1.24.20 tag to build IBSRegularRelease/TestFramework/TestScripts/IBS_HUB_BuildVerification
[IBSOIV-9698] create v1.24.20 tag to for /ibsportal/Database scripts