Checkout Tools
  • last updated 8 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates

Changeset 255773 is being indexed.

[TII-61678] tag created for v. to build b_4_11_00_00
[TNSS-7572] Fix the canEmailEinvoiceToCustomer() that appears to have been modified with the original commit when it should not have.

Modified set_perm to requirements as directed by security team regarding script write permissions and archive read permissions.

set_perm now interacts with scripts so etc_systemd_services.Linux_el8 was modified so set-perm precedes service scripts in the systemd service start ordering.

added tsu_includes/shell_scripts/TNSS-7607.sh to unpack etc_systemd_services.Linux_el8

VLM issue where retrurns are not handled properly - [T2CAN-650]
[SPP-138] Modified code to fix unit testing issues.
[T2CAN-594] Backoffice Classification Return edit - Need to prevent the editing of on hand based upon new column value in CLASSIFICATION_PROFILE
[T2CAN-377] Add an option to prevent changing on-hand during classification - SOX Issue
[TNSS-7648] (v. Make DB version number match TAMSII app version number.
[TNSS-7435] -Payment History - Add Journal Entries to the Payment History
[TNSS-7451]Skip registration and un-registration of IPC when USE_NAPA_PAYMENT_IPC is set to Y. Also Adding back overwritten parameters.
[EOD-28] Translation - Spanish in Start EOD screen
[T2CAN-622] UAP - Call center password - Manager unable to remove it
[TNSS-7551]Remove message on Email tab alerting user that email of invoices with statements doesn't send branch invoices yet
[TNSS-7572] Reapplied changes from TNSS-7313 and added some conditions to detect and mitigate the conditions that could lead to a NullPointerException
[SPP-138] Modified code to include Pricing SDK 0.0.8(Including log4j configs) into TAMS.
[EOD-141] Customer Domain CAMP - Update how Store Profile works

[EOD-160] Update Export Functionality to Customer Domain

[TNSS-7426] MN Delivery Fee - Automatically add fee as required to phone room invoices
[STEL-2663] [STEL-2659] - Have made code changes to remove ASCII chars and extra spaces in Invoice note, customer web address and address2 - DW files.
[TNSS-7424] - Committed the code changes done for retail delivery fee changes.
[TNSS-7672]Inventory notes splitting for Ithaca printers.
[TNSS-7069] Made code changes to add New Customer Categories for NAPA Stores selling to other NAPA stores
[TNSS-7691] Merge - v. into b_4_11_00_00
  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
[T2CAN-558] Line items getting removed when customer was changed after loading a message from Call Center screen
    • ?
    • ?
[TNSS-7426] MN Delivery Fee - Automatically add fee as required to phone room invoices
[TII-61677] tag created for v. to build b_4_10_00_00
[TNSS-7599] (v. Adding Upgrade_v.
[T2CAN-501] Develop VLM integration with TAMS (UAP Canada) (Vertical Lift) - Production Keys checked in
[T2CAN-501] Develop VLM integration with TAMS (UAP Canada) (Vertical Lift)
[TNSS-7574] DB - New Customer Categories for NAPA Stores selling to other NAPA stores.

1. Two new NAPA Category:

#37 NAPA Store ISO

#40 NAPA Store ISO – DNA Sales History

2. Mapping to 'Wholesale Promotions'.

[TNSS-7424] - Committed the code changes done for retail delivery fee changes.