Checkout Tools
  • last updated 4 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates

Changeset 254854 is being indexed.

[TNSS-7338] Invoice domain feed attribute unitCost is using incorrect value unitPrice.
[TNSS-7188] - Committed the code changes done to send additional attributes when calling the Gift Card APIs
[T2CAN-250] Implement CC Manager in Gross Profit functionality for Call Center
    • ?
    • ?
  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
[TNSS-7275] Block changes to the Transmit Daily Sales flag via the TAMS UI

[TNSS-7249] - Committed the code changes done for Napa AAA Membership Search Service Implementation.
  1. … 28 more files in changeset.
[STEL-2652] remove deprecated z.passwd files, updated maint and root passwords, added prometheus user
[TNSS-7374] (v. Base DB file changes for new branch.
    • ?
[TII-61643]-Creating Branch from the following tag v.
[TII-61642] tag created for v. to build b_4_06_00_00
[TNSS-7287] (v. Make DB version number match TAMSII app version number.

[TNSS-7349] Merge -v. into b_4_06_00_00
[TII-61641] tag created for v. to build b_4_05_00_00
[TNSS-7347] Delete old shell scripts from TSU includes of b_4_05_00_00 branch
[TNSS-7211] (v. Make DB version number match TAMSII app version number.
[TNSS-7343] Merge -v. into b_4_06_00_00
[TNSS-7342] Merge -v. into b_4_05_00_00
[TII-61640] tag created for v. to build b_4_04_00_00
[TNSS-7323] Added a note after the checkbox for emailing invoices with the statement.
[TNSS-7159] (v. Make DB version number match TAMSII app version number.
[TNSS-7320] - Committed the code changes done to skip printing the signature image on Ithaca printer.
[TNSS-7320] - Committed the code changes done to skip prompting the signature capture for Ithaca printer.
[TNSS-7321] [TNSS-7318] updates to NAPA_HQ scripts to support LPA if no samba drive and TAMSII_local.exe to support the new control files,

updated the SVC script to adjust the curl command for the Dell warranty.

[EOD-79] Updated message and label translations
[STEL-2620]-Add Configuration for Location Flag for RF Scanner IN REF_STORE_CONFIGURATION TABLE.
[MSAPP-1890]-Need a change in TMS120 script to handle the java changes for the MSAPP-1733
[MSAPP-1890]-Need a change in TMS120 script to handle the java changes for the MSAPP-1733
[STEL-2600] Add directories for new Customer Domain
[TNSS-7302] Change the status code for process failure from 200 to 418
[TNSS-7199] - Email tab - hide fields in the statement section based on the store country code - code review comments addressed
[T2CAN-326] Logo is missing in PDF Statement for CANADA Stores - addition of logs.