Checkout Tools
  • last updated 8 hours ago
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Changeset 253901 is being indexed.

[TNSS-6070] - Upgrade commons-collections version (Medium)
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[EOD-3]-Need to add column POSTPONE_EOD_FLAG in End of Day profile table
[STEL-2288] EOD Batch Process: - Validation improvement needed for 'Prerequisite task'

[TNSS-7110]Implement the emailing of void invoices for customer opted for email delivery options, EOD, EOW or NEVER.
[EDGE-84] - Checked in new code version 1.39
[EDGE-84] - removed to check in new code.
[EDGE-84] - added new code version 1.39 of the launcher
[EDGE-84] - removed from the build to check in new code.
[STEL-2125]-Remove column DW_WIP_EXIST from END_OF_DAY_MONITOR as it is no longer needed
[TNSS-6997] (v. Make DB version number match TAMSII app version number.
[STEL-2506] Returning a superseding part reverts to the original superseded part
[TNSS-7057] Develop a cron job bash shell script for TAMS to get the cloud backup status and persist it in the DB
[TNSS-7022] Block Sales - GCP: TAMS - Add retry feature to run regulation service
[TNSS-7057] Develop a cron job bash shell script for TAMS to get the cloud backup status and persist it in the DB
[EDGE-4] removed code to ping server as EDGE device does not allow ping.
[EDGE-4] removed to add new code

[STEL-652] Journal Entry current balance gets reset back to original balance after being fully applied
[TNSS-6641] - Committed the code changes done to not send statements (email or print) to CPP customers
[TNSS-7056] cloud_sync.py script's sync_from_cloud() & sync_to_cloud() are not returning return code
[TNSS-6807] JMO-Physical Inventory via Indago not adding Inventory_Stock record if it does not exist
[TNSS-6641] - Committed the code changes done to not send statements (email or print) to CPP customers
[TNSS-6971] DB - Update the URL to the Help and Learning Center.
[TNSS-6641] - Committed the code changes done to not send statements (email or print) to CPP customers
[TNSS-6641] - Committed the code changes done to not send statements (email or print) to CPP customers
[TII-61620] tag created for v. to build b_4_02_00_00
[EOD-56] New Task to be added in BMC EOD - Email Invoices (needs rebuild of 4.02) - reverted EODAutoTriggerBackOffice.java changes
[T2CAN-418] Call Center- Store dropdown changing multiple times cannot save invoice when call center is ON
[TNSS-6641] - Committed the code changes done to not send statements (email or print) to CPP customers