Checkout Tools
  • last updated a few seconds ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
[IBSOIV-11084] - Count Query has been modified.
[IBSOIV-10824] - SearchAsset Query has been modified.
  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
[IBSOIV-11150] - ListSupersede Query has been modified.
[IBSOIV-11150] - ListSupersede Query has been modified.
[IBSOIV-11071] - ListPart Query has been modified.
[IBSOIV-10897] - PartSearch Query has been modified.
[IBSOIV-10897] - PartSearch Query has been modified.
[IBSOIV-11128] - Preserve settings flow has been modified to update flag data in IVC_RULE_TEMPLATE_MAPP for location.
[IBSOIV-10897] - PartSearch Query has been modified -- Reverting the changes.
[IBSOIV-11028] - Integration Module has been modified to improve integration query timing
[IBSOIV-10897] - PartSearch Query has been modified.
[IBSOIV-10876] - Notification Flow related update is done.
[IBSOIV-10876] - Notification Flow related update is done.
[IBSOIV-10946] - Updated code to log and continue processing upon unique constraint violation exception
[IBSOIV-10904] - DB Query updated for Dashboard flow
[IBSOIV-10904] - Logging mechanism added for Dashboard flow
[IBSOIV-10968] - Changes done for ListConsignmentInventory.process in the DB Query
[IBSOIV-10968] - Changes done for ListConsignmentInventory.process in the DB Query
[IBSOIV-10850] - Logging added to get preserve setting issue.
[IBSOIV-10900] - Schema has been updated for TotalSalesQty.
[IBSOIV-10668] - TotalSales Frequency Details have been updated in Consignment Process.
[IBSOIV-10834] - Modified the process to update the query for optimization to fetch the Inventory sync data.
[IBSOIV-10823] - Modified the process and the schema for showing the POs that are more than 6 months old.
[IBSOIV-10668] - TotalSales Frequency Details have been updated in Consignment Process.
Merged revision(s) 236211 from IBS/IBSOrderAndInventoryVisibility/branches/IBSRegularRelease/TIBCOApp/IBSDataAccessService/BW/IBSDataAccessService:

[IBSOIV-10668] - TotalSales Frequency Details have been updated in Consignment Process.


[IBSOIV-10668] - TotalSales Frequency Details have been updated in Consignment Process.
[IBSOIV-10706] - Code has been updated to check the dashboard count for Ready to be invoiced.
[IBSOIV-10706] - Code has been updated to check the dashboard count for Ready to be invoiced.
[IBSOIV-10706] - Code has been updated to check the dashboard count for Ready to be invoiced.
[IBSOIV-10655]- Updated the process and schema to send the information to UI whether the work order is created Electronically or Manually