Checkout Tools
  • last updated 52 mins ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates

ESB-33167- Updated dummy string to check test file

ESB-32116-Store Price - Change encrypted password to use NFUSE utility instead of TIBCO utility

ESB-32116-Store Price - Change encrypted password to use NFUSE utility instead of TIBCO utility

ESB-32116-Store Price - Change encrypted password to use NFUSE utility instead of TIBCO utility

ESB-31909-[StorePrice]-Increase the timeout to JDE Endpoint.

ESB-31160 - upgrade storeprice cassandra driver version to 4.14

ESB-31160 - upgrade cassandra driver version to 4.14

ESB-30463 Modified PROD2 properties to match with PROD.

ESB-30290 Updated the Spring Boot Version on the project

ESB-29894 - Store Price add additional 2 Cassandra nodes to connection URL.

ESB-29889 - updated Node 4 and 5 for UAT Cassandra.

  • More
  • ESB-133
  • summarized and closed
Just a couple of more updates.

Just a couple of more updates.

Close connection in try/finally.

Close connection in try/finally.

Remove commented code.

Remove commented code.

Close connection in try/finally.

Close connection in try/finally.

Remove commented code.

Remove commented code.

Use Logger.error(e.getMessage(), e) so that the Exceptions stack trace prints to the log.

Use Logger.error(e.getMessage(), e) so that the Exceptions stack trace prints to the log.

ESB-26722: [CERTIFICATES] Automate Refresh Certificates for Java Services
ESB-26722: [CERTIFICATES] Automate Refresh Certificates for Java Services

ESB-29339 [PRICE] Store Price has wrong Variable configured for deriving FES endpoint in PROD1/PROD2

ESB-26722 - added httpclient close based on code review

Remove commented code.

Remove commented code.

Should this be using 1.0.3 like the others?

Should this be using 1.0.3 like the others?

Remove commented code.

Remove commented code.

The applications should close the connections in a finally block.

The applications should close the connections in a finally block.

Remove commented code.

Remove commented code.

Remove commented code.

Remove commented code.

Use logger.error instead of printStackTrace

Use logger.error instead of printStackTrace