Checkout Tools
  • last updated 5 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates

ESB-30275 - Checking this change with parent Jira so that Jira Id will be displayed in ticket

ESB-30276 - Upgraded Spring boot version to 2.6.6

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
ESB-27909: [JAVA] Change all Java Services to use Spring Actuator for the health check
ESB-27909: [JAVA] Change all Java Services to use Spring Actuator for the health check

ESB-27909 [JAVA] Change all Java Services to use Spring Actuator for the health check

ESB-27618 check in APG_ES_Invoice changes for log4j vulnerabilities

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
  • More
  • ESB-90
  • summarized and closed
Everything looks good.

Everything looks good.

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  • ESB-90
  • finished reviewing
ESB-27618: [ADMIN] Upgrade log4j version due to security vulnerability
ESB-27618: [ADMIN] Upgrade log4j version due to security vulnerability

ESB-27618 - upgrade to latest log4j 2.16

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.

ESB-23246 - updated pom file to new archiva server

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
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  • ESB-51
  • summarized and closed
Review complete. No comments to add.

Review complete. No comments to add.

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  • ESB-51
  • finished reviewing
ESB-20720: CLONE - DEV & UT
ESB-20720: CLONE - DEV & UT

ESB-20720 - Updated pom references of nsight-coommon-boot-cassandra

ESB-20720 - Added functionality to insert invoice_date_time_range column to cust_invoice table

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
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  • ESB-43
  • finished reviewing
It would be more obvious that the only difference between the two queries was the value for "cust_num_name" if you set a variable based on the posType and used that variable in the query. For examp...

It would be more obvious that the only difference between the two queries was the value for "cust_num_name" if you set a variable based on the posType and used that variable in the query. For example,
custNumName="TAMS Customer Number";
if (posType.equalsIgnoreCase("RPM")
custNumName="RPM Customer Number"
solr_query=...cust_num_name: \\\""custNumName"\\\"...

ESB-18889: CLONE - CLONE - DEV & UT - JavaSpringBoot
ESB-18889: CLONE - CLONE - DEV & UT - JavaSpringBoot
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  • ESB-37
  • finished reviewing
Please add line abbreviations to the log.

Please add line abbreviations to the log.

Please add customer number and line abbreviations to the log.

Please add customer number and line abbreviations to the log.

Do we need two methods that do the same thing?

Do we need two methods that do the same thing?

[ESB-18889] - Updated code to use solr index to get invoices
[ESB-18889] - Updated code to use solr index to get invoices

ESB-18889 - Updated code to use solr index to get invoices

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.

ESB-12981 - Code changes to deobfuscate password


Removed SNAPSHOT from common classes and changed dependencies.

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.

ESB-4871 revert setting the dependency version in maven build