Checkout Tools
  • last updated 1 hour ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates

Changeset 248040 is being indexed.

CDG-13062: New UAP v2 schema created for Multi Banner support.

ESB-32022 - Added basic authentication to location service for /nsight/site/aliasname url

ESB-32014 - locationtype to populate Camel case instead of lowercase

ESB-31774 - Modified path of location where failed and success inventory records are written to file

ESB-32022 - Updated code to return two digit country code.

ESB-31837 :Updated for Smoke Test suit

ESB-32009-login credentials for a new TAMS to CFA integration for Jefferson Parrish, Louisiana.

ESB-32009-login credentials for a new TAMS to CFA integration for Jefferson Parrish, Louisiana.

ESB-32017-[Delivery Management]-Set NoExplicitCAChain property in Deployment Property files

ESB-32017-[Delivery Management]-Set NoExplicitCAChain property in Deployment Property files

ESB-31998-GV change for cert location

ESB-32016- Remove eCommerce Platform in Location Mass Modify Upload Template

ESB-31952- Set NoExplicitCAChain property change revert

ESB-32014 - Write the Sync date into the output for using it as dataAsOfTs for Inventory and Product by location.

Revert the cast to decimal of Integer quantity fields in order to avoid casting issue in dataflow job.

ESB-32001 create v.4.200.00 tag to build Tibco Hawk Rule changes

ESB-32001 create v.4.200.00 tag to build Project_Library_Configuration

  1. /tags/Project_Library_Configuration/v.4.200.00

ESB-32001 create v.4.200.00 tag to build Common_Configuration

ESB-32001 create v.4.200.00 tag to build APG_NAPA_Online

ESB-32001 create v.4.200.00 tag to build APG_NAPA_XPRESS

ESB-32001 delete tag to recreate it for build

ESB-32001 create v.4.200.00 tag to build APG_ES_Loyalty

ESB-32001 create v.4.200.00 tag to build APG_ES_Notification

ESB-32001 create v.4.200.00 tag to build APG_NAPA_XPRESS

ESB-32001 create v.4.200.00 tag to build APG_ES_Delivery_Management

  1. /tags/APG_ES_Delivery_Management/v.4.200.00

ESB-32001 create v.4.200.00 tag to build Gateway_Configuration

ESB-32001 create v.4.200.00 tag to build InvScorecard spark job

  1. /tags/APG_ES_Product/InvScorecard-v.4.200.00

ESB-32001 create v.4.200.00 tag to build storePrice micro service

ESB-31953-[APG_Loyalty]-Set NoExplicitCAChain property in Deployment Property files

ESB-31953-[APG_Loyalty]-Set NoExplicitCAChain property in Deployment Property files

ESB-31953-[APG_Loyalty]-Set NoExplicitCAChain property in Deployment Property files