Checkout Tools
  • last updated 2 hours ago
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Constraints: files
Constraints: dates

Changeset 253701 is being indexed.

[STEL-2490] INVOICE_EMAIL_ADDRESS is being cleared when processing National Account registration updates
[TNSS-5114] Added a new field to the UI to indicate whether to include open invoices with the statement. Altered logic to generate the open invoices when the new checkbox in the UI is checked. Added logic to pickup the invoice files and add them to the statement email.
[TNSS-7042] DB- Employee - Pay Period Activity Review / Add Employee Modal / Add "Training" to Activity Dropdown.
[TNSS-455] Miscellaneous bugs and stories
[TNSS-6844] Added a Sourse and Order Type fields to the table on this screen.
[TNSS-7051] (v. Make DB version number match TAMSII app version number.
    • ?
[TNSS-6031] - Update phone number to Prolink calls PROD URL
[TNSS-5374] Code changes done based on change in the acceptance criteria.
[TII-61619]-Creating Branch from the following tag v.
[TII-61618] tag created for v. to build b_4_02_00_00
[TII-61618] deleting tag created for v. to build b_4_02_00_00
[EDGE-56] - removing the ownership and permissions on the .service files.
    • ?
[TII-61618] tag created for v. to build b_4_02_00_00

Corrected file locations for etc_systemd_services.Linux_el8

[TNSS-6914]correcting reference to correct customervo instance.
[TNSS-6972] EJOEI Sunset - Allow access to "Check Other Stores" but block ordering
[STEL-2493] Add latest Customer Domain initial load files to TAMS release
[TNSS-5374] Reverting the code changes.
[TNSS-6843] - NXP - Add Source column to the Create Check-In Group screen
[TNSS-6019] made code changes based on the review comments
[TNSS-6019]--Made code changes based on the review comments
[TNSS-6914]EOD task to email invoice copies to customers opted to receive them by End of Day or End of Week.

Removed systemd .service unit files from /usr/tams/scripts/init and moved them to their own archive etc_systemd_services.Linux_el8

Modified gpcbanner to warn and exit if run on kubevirt instance

Added kvm_banner.sh to perform similar tasks as gpcbanner but without bare metal dependencies

Added EDGE-56.sh to unpack etc_systemd_services.Linux_el8 on RHEL8 and reload the systemd daemon

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.

Updated maint and root passwords for Q1 2024

Added tsu_includes/shell_scripts/TNSS-6614.sh to unpack archive

[TNSS-6914]EOD task to email invoice copies to customers opted to receive them by End of Day or End of Week.
[TNSS-7009] DB Changes : Email tab - Send email invoice copies: EOD and EOW.

Add entries into REF_EOD_TASK and EOD_TASK_DETAILS.


[STEL-2435] Code Review: PPSE Cart Mgmt - Core charge not always coming over to TAMS when items added from PPSE cart.
[TNSS-6948] Revert - Rewards - DB - Feature flag to determine which loyalty system to use.
[T2CAN-217] Phone Room Functionality- To include remote store messages which are not invoiced along with unacknowledged in the first screen
    • ?
    • ?
[TNSS-6953] RPT015 - Add summary section for NXP and Interstore Orders, Added employee Number