Naveen Mohan

[T2CAN-717] Invoice Delivery_flag updating as 'N' when AUTO_ACK_ALWAYS_DELIVER is '0' or '10' and customer_delivery.delivery_ref_option_cd = 'A'
[T2CAN-696] Track Call Center slowness issues in through logs
[T2CAN-628] Implement Delivery and Payment options in Auto Invoicing
[STEL-2686] Cash Journal - M6 records isn't picking up CASH_JOURNAL_ROA records when the payment amount is the same for multiple transactions on the same day.
[T2CAN-501] Develop VLM integration with TAMS (UAP Canada) (Vertical Lift) - Production Keys checked in
[T2CAN-501] Develop VLM integration with TAMS (UAP Canada) (Vertical Lift)
[STEL-2683] Fix Auto-acknowledged Prolink invoice to print message like Manual Acknowledge / Invoice
[STEL-2785] Rollback STEL-2585 - TAMS locks up at EOD on task 64/30 (COM050)(RPT007) PRB0041585
[STEL-2722] Quote - "Core charges are not included in the Quote total." not translating when the Customer language selected as French, Spanish while user do the core line item invoice with Alternate core AR account
[STEL-2759] Code Revert for Stel-243 from
[STEL-2713] Checkout freezes and payment method is missing from invoice when crediting a part with a certificate
[STEL-2677] Archived Statements [v.] / Custom Logo - Statement Form / Error in printStatements com.gpc.common.exception.ApplicationException: Image not found (PRB0041681)
[STEL-2600] Add directories for new Customer Domain
[STEL-2606] TAMS 4.04 - Correct Custom Logo Statement Printing
[STEL-2579] Create a Resend option for Closing Email Statements that did not email properly Resend API
    • ?
[STEL-2465] Issue with ESB - B2BQuery Code Review Comments added
[STEL-2499] Issues with UTF-8 characters in Customer Domain Export
[STEL-2465] Issue with ESB -B2BQuery removed unwanted changes
[STEL-2465] Issue with ESB - B2BQuery
[EOD-56] New Task to be added in BMC EOD - Email Invoices (needs rebuild of 4.02)
[EOD-56] New Task to be added in BMC EOD - Email Invoices (needs rebuild of 4.02)
[STEL-2493] Add latest Customer Domain initial load files to TAMS release
[STEL-2382] When doing 2 EOD in the same day, the WIP file contains both days in the same file
[STEL-2456] Issue found Communication Dir Customer Domain Extract
[STEL-2420] Customer Domain Initial Load SQL Updates - SQL Updated
[Stel-2412] Roll back Jasper Customer Statement to 3.45 version
[Stel-2395] Statements -- v. / Statements Are Printing Too High On the Page / Problem Occurs with Interim and Archived Statements (PRB0041521)
[STEL-2372] Update Header Record for Customer Domain Initial data load Code Commit
[STEL-2239] Build a shell script that creates the proper files for Customer Domain export (initial load) - SQL change checked in.