Nithin Gowda

ESB-32168-The GV invoke bE updated to true in ProdpropertiesFile

ESB-32167The new header values are added for Entitysubscription Process

ESB-32167 THe header value is updated to make call to BE for IBIZ orders

ESB-31937 Made the changes to suppoer qtysup for orderwhi

ESB-31937 made changes to Qtysup for orderservice

ESB-31937 to retrieve the lineabbrevation from the request

ESB-31937 Have updated linecodetoUppercase calling IBIZ and revert back to original after receiving.

ESB-31937OrderWHI Lineabbrevation Change to Uppercase while calling TAMS

ESB-31802 updated condition if no message comes in from IBS.

ESB-31802IBS interstock order if no message is present then pipleline should not be present

ESB-31802 Mapping changes added pipeline after the ponumber

ESB-31712 Added the user EpicorVision for order service

ESB-31506 SSL was added for solrapi call

ESB-31425 Made UAP Oath change from .ca to .com and enabled v2 path

ESB-31354 DCStoreNumber condition changed to handle 5 and 6 digits.

ESB-31183 solr api updated ssl and verified port details.

ESB-31183 solr api http call updated with ssl and port GV is corrected as per the review.

ESB-31183 Updated ssl for the solr api http calls.

ESB-31183 Have updated ssl for solr api HTTP call

ESB-31183 SolrAPI is removed under Nsight Inventory-write and updated with ssl for other flows

ESB-29741 removed process varables from DR and added NOL_JDE_CreditOrDebitSale.process to starter process

ESB-29640 Prod GV values updated in DR Properties file for NOL-JDE-CreditOrDebitSale

ESB-26657 Testing changing queue name

ESB-26657 Rolling back the queue name in QA

ESB-26657 Made change in ququename for testing

ESB-26061 Gv update for email because of service now upgradation.

ESB-25359-[NSIGHT] Changed query from Update to Insert to remove NULL values after TTL expiry.

ESB-25359-[NSIGHT] Changed query from Update to Insert to remove NULL values after TTL expiry.