Maria Toffee

ESB-33335:Fix Enroll End Date mapping in Location Mass Affl Modify Upload

ESB-33225: Add New Address Validation API Fields in Location Address Mass Upload-Added addr_id

ESB-33224: Include Program Location ID in Location Mass Affl Modify Upload

ESB-33225: Add New Address Validation API Fields in Location Address Mass Upload

ESB-33179: Include Customer Location Number in Location Mass Company Change. Rename the CUST_LOC_NUM to COMP_LOC_ID.

ESB-33179: Include Customer Location Number in Location Mass Company Change.

ESB-32867: Defect fix for Key ,Barcode and Last Verified Date not cleared in Mass Addr Modify Upload . Defect card -CDG-15598

ESB-32832: Change Mass address BW process to include in barcode, key and cleansed date in the attribute mapping for location address & DCSTAR mass upload for clearing end date fix- Commit for DCSTAR clearing end date issue

ESB-32832: Change Mass address BW process to include in barcode, key and cleansed date in the attribute mapping for location address & DCSTAR mass upload for clearing end date fix- Commit for MAss Address Changes

ESB-32733: SDG - Store Hour Validation - BW changes - Restrict v1 schema with Normal hours and allowed all operating hours in v2 schema in ESB and UAPSDG_ESB integration

ESB-32605:Change Mass Basic Modify to allow Location type change - Changed condition for sec_cust-segment2 mapping

ESB-32605:Change Mass Basic Modify to allow Location type change - Add Loc_type mapping in MAss Basic Info Upload processes

ESB-32543:Perform Mass Deactivation or End Date of DC Directs for Location. Added mappings for attributes for mass dc direct deactivation.

ESB-32406: Enable Mass Upload of Business and Mailing Address in RAM . BW changes for Location Mass Address Uploads. Defect fixes for CDG-14549

1. Changed the incorrect mappings for Address fields

2. Added a condition to map zip4_cd only if country is USA or Canada

ESB-32406: Enable Mass Upload of Business and Mailing Address in RAM . BW changes for Location Mass Address Uploads.

ESB-32428:DCSTAR Detail Table Update Issue - BW fix. Added REC_TO_UPT='Y' condition in the final Detail table update by BW

ESB-32396:NDT - Delivery Mgmt Flag - ESB Integration Changes. Updated NAPADeliveryTracker to DeliveryManagmentSystem in V2 schemas and related subprocesses.

ESB-32348:Send Mailbox ID Changes - Audit Log. Defect fix -CDG-14075-Added condition for Mailbox validated flag to add in audit log only if its changed.Defect fix

ESB-32348:Send Mailbox ID Changes - Audit Log. Add new path to handle audit log in locations for Send Mailbox propagation

ESB-32306:Location Mass Modify Multiple DCSTAR Upload Template. Added distinct keyword in sql. Mapped PHY_STO_FLAG and AR_NUM only if IS_NEW=Y.

ESB-31883:UAP SDG Multi-Banner support - BW changes. Fixed the pending scenarios to be fixed in BW.

ESB-31883:UAP SDG Multi-Banner support - BW changes. Updated UAPSDG_ESB_Integration and ESB_Integration subprocesses for minor code fixes.

ESB-31883:UAP SDG Multi-Banner support - BW changes. Updated UAPSDG_ESB_Integration and ESB_Integration processes to include MultiBanner DC logic

ESB-31407: CDG-11710 - Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI). MDM schema refresh for PARTY repository.