Rahul Chaudhary

added search bar

UI & service changes for bulk edit performance issues

Service changes to send values for site logbook session history tab + updating PULSE_SESSION table with depthIncrease & depthDecrease on finalizing min-max session

UI changes to display depthIncrease & depthDecrease column in Site logbook Session history tab

Site queue clear button

Pulse-46 integration changes

ui changes

ui changes

service changes

making tooltip dynamic

fix : tooltip spelling & copy site dropdown service changes

min-max payload changes

considering -1 as grayed items

making things grey for conflicting values

    • -2
    • +2
bg color fix

blank fix

commenting ui

minor fix for ui

    • -1
    • +1
UI changes session preference review page

UI changes session preference review page

correcting flag value for blanks

UI changes for orderCycle & leadTime

    • -1
    • +1
UI changes for highlighting when value is -1

    • -0
    • +4
preference review page ui

UI changes

session creation for min-max

site dropdown changes

    • -4
    • +7
fetch call minor changes

UI changes

Update product line single row, all row service changes

    • -0
    • +77