
john jimenez <> in PulseUI

Make Reports link go to React

Clean up README & add install instructions

Some formatting & readability clean up for the existing and

added step by step instructions for installing the tools needed for

local development.

Clean up Jest config

Removed `moduleDirectories` from the `jest` config in package.json as it

only included the default node_modules. Keeping this entry provides a

space for human error but offers no value.

Clean up Jest config

At this point, the existing test suite is running without config or

syntax errors and all tests are passing. Removing all comments from the

config file so it is clean.

Fix pathing issue in eventStream mock

Cannot find module 'events/eventStream' from 'eventStream.js'

let es = require('events/eventStream');

Updated to use the proper path

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Resolve missing eventStream mock

TypeError: eventStream.publishEvent.mockClear is not a function

Resolve missing module error

[ng:areq] Argument 'ParameterCtrl' is not a function, got undefined

controller = $controller('ParameterCtrl', {

at Object.$controller (src/parameterModule/parameterCtrl.spec.js:20:16

Resolve missing module error

Failed to instantiate module ui.event due to:

Error: [$injector:nomod] Module 'ui.event' is not available!

This may not be the right way to resolve this, but I don't have much to

go on. I am following the instructions found here

Resolve missing module error

Failed to instantiate module ui.router due to:

Error: [$injector:nomod] Module 'ui.router' is not available!

Resolve missing module error

Failed to instantiate module ui.bootstrap due to:

Error: [$injector:nomod] Module 'ui.bootstrap' is not available!

Resolve missing module error

Failed to instantiate module parameterModule due to:

Error: [$injector:nomod] Module 'parameterModule' is not available!

Match angular-mocks version to angular

angular-mocks version should match the version of angular used to

prevent issues. Specifc error resolved was

`TypeError: angular.module(...).info is not a function`.

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Resolve CRP module of undefined Error

Cannot read property 'module' of undefined


Resolve `angular is not defined` error

Remove all Jest Configs for clean start

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Add includeApplicationPartsOnly to api request

Adds the includeApplicationPartsOnly param to the create session api


Add "Application Parts Only" config

Modeled from `includeHubSpokeOrder` with unused options being commented

out for now. It is only visible on the new session screen for Dollar

Limit sessions. This work is strictly for getting the option to display

and have the clicking functionality.