Checkout in ESB

ESB-4779 Initial commit for Store Snapshot Spark Job.

  1. /branches/APG_ES_Product/Scala/StoreSnapshot
  2. /branches/APG_ES_Product/Scala/StoreSnapshot/src
    • -0
    • +87

ESB-5029 Added NSight Site table creation script including secondary indexes.

    • -0
    • +41

ESB-3596 Removed unnecessary parameter definition for invoices by sn day.

ESB-4332 Bug Fix to return Invoice Note within IbizInvoiceResponse Parsing.

ESB-4332 Bug fix for Customer Accessor Query - Removed reference to bsro keyspace.

ESB-3596 Added nsight-invoice-client library source code for maven repo groupId=com.genpt artifactId=nsight-invoice-client version=1.0

  1. … 125 more files in changeset.

ESB-3596 Simplified Testing logic and removed test data.

ESB-3596 Removed obsolete table customer_rules from CQL statement.

ESB-3596 Updated ibiz-invoice microservice with client dependency library in GPC internal maven repo

  1. /branches/APG_ES_Invoice/Java/ibiz-invoice/lib
    • -11
    • +3

ESB-3595 Changed Logfile name to the correct Microservice Name.

ESB-3595 Fixed save CustOrder bug for Store Number patterns.

ESB-3595 Removed Site Geo Unit Testing

ESB-3598 Removed Site Geo Unit Test

ESB-3598 Removed Site Geo Unit Test

ESB-3598 Increased number of Total Customer in Customer Request Object.

ESB-3598 Updated /Customer Post request body format for multiple customer records

    • too large
    • too large
    • -0
    • +66
    • binary

ESB-3598 Added Check for numeric Invoice Number values to avoid mapping errors.

ESB-3598 Added root object "Site" to the json return structure for /Site/DC/StoreNumber endpoint.

ESB-3598 Changed InvoiceFeedStartDateTime from Time.Now() to Invoice Date Time and updated the logic to store the earliest Invoice Date Time

ESB-4362 Added CQL Table creation statements.

    • -0
    • +73

ESB-4362 Added CQL Table creation statements.

    • -0
    • +103

ESB-4362 Added CQL Table creation statements.

    • -0
    • +301

ESB-3598 Changed InvoiceFeedStartDateTime from Time.Now() to Invoice Date Time.

ESB-3595 Added Log4J Properties for deployment

ESB-4362 Added logging for bare metal deployments.

ESB-4362 Updated POM for bare metal deployment and logging.

ESB-4474 Updated POM File for MS logging and startup script compatibility.

ESB-4362 Added Invoice Number check to ensure the Invoice Number Value can be converted to a Long.

ESB-4362 Updated invoice microservice start script.

ESB-4362 Updated microservice start script.