Checkout Tools
  • last updated 7 hours ago
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Constraints: files
Constraints: dates

Changeset 255937 is being indexed.

[TII-61683] tag created for v. to build b_4_11_00_00
[SPP-215] Reverted SPP BinLabel code changes to fix PROD issue.
[TNSS-7542] MULTI_STORE_PROFILE.PAUSE_TMS needs to be reset upon reboot
[T2CAN-652] UAP CANADA Customer A/R Activity not populating the right Statement Email field
[STEL-2686] Cash Journal - M6 records isn't picking up CASH_JOURNAL_ROA records when the payment amount is the same for multiple transactions on the same day.
[TNSS-7544] Made code changes to Update TRANSIN code to record timestamp for PAUSE_TMS when processing updates to Factory Order Tables
[TNSS-7544] Made code changes to Update TRANSIN code to record timestamp for PAUSE_TMS when processing updates to Factory Order Tables
[TNSS-7664] Remove "Use DC Balance in Prolink" option from Invoicing Controls screen
[EOD-125] Change EOD to Skip TRANSIN and Backup in EOD flow.
[EOD-119] Add Skip Backup functionality to Start EOD and backup file name to change to consider EOD start date
[TNSS-7646] -- property files changes are checked in
[STEL-2798] CLONE - TAMS locks up at EOD on task 64/30 (COM050)(RPT007) PRB0041585
[TNSS-7648] (v. Incremented DB version number match for re-build.
[TNSS-7462] - Committed the code changes done to include updated list of Order Cancellation Reason Codes.
[T2CAN-672]-Set initial values for new columns for Auto Invoicing eCommerce Message and db versioning after the rebuild
[TNSS-7646]--initial check in for default value as never
[TNSS-7727] Delete old shell scripts s from TSU includes of b_4_12_00_00 branch
[TNSS-7726] Merge - v. into b_4_12_00_00
    • ?
    • ?
[TNSS-7619] - Delivery Tracker returned cores - When a core is returned via NDT or NSSA the returned cores on hand needs to be updated
[TII-61682] tag created for v. to build b_4_11_00_00
[TNSS-7572] Fixed the query to handle branch numbers shorter than 3 digits and 7 or 9 digit store numbers.
[STEL-2779]Kits: Return on Invoices cannot be Performed / Tams halts on OK (F8) on Invoice Return Screen

Adjustments in set_perm for the /usr/tams/scripts and /usr/tams/scripts/offline directories to allow tams group writing for offline script generation.

[TNSS-7717] [TNSS-7718] [TNSS-7719] Removing inv310, inc311 and inc320 from prerelease.
[TNSS-7717]-INC310 - We need to add another field to the section of code that is returning the prices from the servlet.

[TNSS-7718]-INC311 - We need to add another field to the section of code that is returning the prices from the servlet.

[TNSS-7719]-INC320 - We need to add another field to the section of code that is returning the prices from the servlet.

[TNSS-7637] - Committed the code changes done to increase the 'INVOICE_PAYMENT.IPC_JOURNAL_KEY' column field length from 32 to 36 characters.
[EOD-140]-Adding new column to the table REF_FILE_ACTIVITY_COLUMN_NAME
[TNSS-7648] (v. Make DB version number match TAMSII app version number.
[TII-61681] tag created for v. to build b_4_11_00_00
[MSAPP-1977] Added python script to the build