Checkout Tools
  • last updated 3 hours ago
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Changeset 254363 is being indexed.

[TII-61627] tag created for v. to build b_4_04_00_00
[TNSS-7201] Delete old shell scripts from TSU includes of b_4_04_00_00 branch
[TNSS-7159] (v. Upgrade scripts changes.

[TNSS-7198] Merge -v. into b_4_04_00_00
    • ?
    • ?
[TII-61626] tag created for v. to build b_4_03_00_00
[TNSS-5114] Remove the spaces from the text of the check box for emailing invoices with the statement.
[TNSS-5374] - Reverted the code changes
When price locked flag is ON for the logged in store and flag is OFF for remote store then price locked label is still displaying for the remote store [T2CAN-518],When STORE_PROFILE.MANAGE_GP_FLAG=0 in remote store then Price locked label is not displayed in the screen for remote store, and unable to tab out to checkout button as the invoicing screen is frozen [T2CAN-519]
[TNSS-6641] - Committed the code changes done to not send statements (email or print) to CPP customers
[TNSS-7187] Cust Domain - Remove any Null Characters from the end of strings prior to sending data to the domain
[TNSS-6641] - Committed the code changes done to not send statements (email or print) to CPP customers
[TNSS-7051] (v. Increment DB version to Upgrade_v.

[STEL-2579] Create a Resend option for Closing Email Statements that did not email properly Resend API
    • ?
[STEL-1823] - Will move once v4 05 is ready. Reverting here.
[STEL-1823] - Made code changes to set default price sheet max length as 2.
[TNSS-5374]Fixing the statement printing issue when the emailAndPrintStatements flag is off.
[TNSS-7191] Customer Domain - NullPointerException in Scorecard validation of the new DC number change event type.

Removed Stealth installer bundle stealth_store_installer.Linux

Added tsu_includes/shell_scripts/STEL-2418.sh to remove any remnants of stealth service installation and supporting files.

[TNSS-7127]Updated mapping for customer delivery minutes
[TNSS-7127]Updated mapping for customer delivery minutes
[TNSS-7116] Modified code to adjust instructions.
[TNSS-5363] - Code changes done to provide an option to prompt for eSignature at the customer level
[TNSS-5363] - Code changes done to provide an option to prompt for eSignature at the customer level
[TNSS-7159] (v. Make DB version number match TAMSII app version number.

[STEL-2553] - Made code changes to display Store zip against Customer A/R activity drop down selection.
[TNSS-7181] Merge -v. into b_4_04_00_00
  1. … 13 more files in changeset.
[TII-61625] tag created for v. to build b_4_03_00_00
[TNSS-5363] - Committed the code changes done to provide an option to configure an option to prompt for signature capture on all invoices regardless of tender type.
[TNSS-7116] Modified code to change NAPA EASYPAY to NAPA CREDIT CARD and respective instructions.
  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
[TNSS-7179] Rollback TNSS-7042 - As Java changes not implemented.