Checkout Tools
  • last updated 7 hours ago
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Constraints: dates

Changeset 253679 is being indexed.

[TNSS-6031] - Update phone number to Prolink calls PROD URL
[TNSS-5374] Code changes done based on change in the acceptance criteria.
[TII-61619]-Creating Branch from the following tag v.
[TII-61618] tag created for v. to build b_4_02_00_00
[TII-61618] deleting tag created for v. to build b_4_02_00_00
[EDGE-56] - removing the ownership and permissions on the .service files.
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[TII-61618] tag created for v. to build b_4_02_00_00

Corrected file locations for etc_systemd_services.Linux_el8

[TNSS-6914]correcting reference to correct customervo instance.
[TNSS-6972] EJOEI Sunset - Allow access to "Check Other Stores" but block ordering
[STEL-2493] Add latest Customer Domain initial load files to TAMS release
[TNSS-5374] Reverting the code changes.
[TNSS-6843] - NXP - Add Source column to the Create Check-In Group screen
[TNSS-6019] made code changes based on the review comments
[TNSS-6019]--Made code changes based on the review comments
[TNSS-6914]EOD task to email invoice copies to customers opted to receive them by End of Day or End of Week.

Removed systemd .service unit files from /usr/tams/scripts/init and moved them to their own archive etc_systemd_services.Linux_el8

Modified gpcbanner to warn and exit if run on kubevirt instance

Added kvm_banner.sh to perform similar tasks as gpcbanner but without bare metal dependencies

Added EDGE-56.sh to unpack etc_systemd_services.Linux_el8 on RHEL8 and reload the systemd daemon

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.

Updated maint and root passwords for Q1 2024

Added tsu_includes/shell_scripts/TNSS-6614.sh to unpack archive

[TNSS-6914]EOD task to email invoice copies to customers opted to receive them by End of Day or End of Week.
[TNSS-7009] DB Changes : Email tab - Send email invoice copies: EOD and EOW.

Add entries into REF_EOD_TASK and EOD_TASK_DETAILS.


[STEL-2435] Code Review: PPSE Cart Mgmt - Core charge not always coming over to TAMS when items added from PPSE cart.
[TNSS-6948] Revert - Rewards - DB - Feature flag to determine which loyalty system to use.
[T2CAN-217] Phone Room Functionality- To include remote store messages which are not invoiced along with unacknowledged in the first screen
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[TNSS-6953] RPT015 - Add summary section for NXP and Interstore Orders, Added employee Number
[TNSS-6993] Updated launch darkly version to 7.1.1 and tamsAlert binary.
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[TNSS-6995] RPT015 - DB changes to add summary section for NXP and Interstore Orders.

Created new table ORDER_LOG.

Added new entry in table_sequence for ORDER_LOG.

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[STEL-2471] Create new TRANSIN for Customer Domain values sent to TAMS
[STEL-2449] Revise TRANSIN Replicate Pricing to not validate (where the time is used)
[TNSS-5374] Customer option to print AND email the customer statement