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Merge branch 'develop' into 'PO-806'

# Conflicts:

# src/main/webapp/app/src/session/review/sessionReviewCtrl.js

PO-806 UI change 10-05-25 9 p.m

shub demand sales, dc sales, smarthubcount>0 changes

Merge branch 'PO-643' of auapgpdgitapp01.genpt.net:Pulse/PulseUI into PO-643

add loading on site selection

session preference change

update session prefernce page for get pro data by siteid

Update version(s) - API: | Web: 2.266.33

    • -1
    • +1
Merge branch 'DC_sales_ui_change' into 'develop'


See merge request Pulse/PulseUI!1020


Merge branch 'PO-643' of auapgpdgitapp01.genpt.net:Pulse/PulseUI into PO-643

updated lead time api call before prod line api

    • -37
    • +19
Merge branch 'develop' of auapgpdgitapp01.genpt.net:Pulse/PulseUI into PO-806

prodline table change

prodline table change

Merge branch 'PO-643' of auapgpdgitapp01.genpt.net:Pulse/PulseUI into PO-643

prodline table change

update selected site drop down value in api

update get product line api fetch data logic for multi siteUI

Merge branch 'develop' of auapgpdgitapp01.genpt.net:Pulse/PulseUI into PO-643

Merge branch 'PO-747' into 'develop'

comment unset active filter function code

Closes PO-747

See merge request Pulse/PulseUI!1019

Merge branch 'PO-808' into 'develop'

exportexcel query chages for min hub site count and filter changes are projected in export excel

Closes PO-808

See merge request Pulse/PulseUI!1018

comment unset active filter function code

exportexcel query chages for min hub site count and filter changes are projected in export excel

Merge branch 'PO-643' of auapgpdgitapp01.genpt.net:Pulse/PulseUI into PO-643

Lead time changes product line and create new session new parameter added

Merge branch 'PO-643' of auapgpdgitapp01.genpt.net:Pulse/PulseUI into PO-643

selected product line data send in payload

Lead time changes product line and create new session new parameter added