
Clone Tools
  • last updated a few seconds ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
completed single dockerfile for fully contained build

Adjusting lib.dependencies for docker build env

issue with chart.js webpack lib name resolution

PUL-6599 PROD: Systems - Stock button for Keep does not change shield to red

Database Script for sprints 40 and 41 (merged)

    • -4
    • +209
    • -4
    • +209
    • -0
    • +68
    • -0
    • +68
adjustment of Dockerfile for Dev linux VM

Catching up branch to Develop

    • -0
    • +10
    • -2
    • +16
Beginning Docker build setup for cleaned PulseUI front-end

    • -3
    • +3
[PUL-6649] changing the wording some based on change from initial POC.

[PUL-6649] ACO: Legacy Session: Product Selection display warning for ACO Hierarchy Levels

[PUL-6652 ACO: New Session Type] Display new ACO Session Type in Create Session dropdown part 8

Merge branch 'develop' of https://auapgpdgitapp01.genpt.net/Pulse/PulseUI into develop

[PUL-6649] inital assets for ACO product selection disclaimer

    • -0
    • +6
[PUL-6652 ACO: New Session Type] Display new ACO Session Type in Create Session dropdown part 7

[PUL-6652 ACO: New Session Type] Display new ACO Session Type in Create Session dropdown part 6y

[PUL-6652 ACO: New Session Type] Display new ACO Session Type in Create Session dropdown part 5

    • -776
    • +784
[PUL-6652 ACO: New Session Type] Display new ACO Session Type in Create Session dropdown part 4

[PUL-6652 ACO: New Session Type] Display new ACO Session Type in Create Session dropdown part 3

[PUL-6652 ACO: New Session Type] Display new ACO Session Type in Create Session dropdown part 2

[PUL-6652 ACO: New Session Type] Display new ACO Session Type in Create Session dropdown part 2

[PUL-6652 ACO: New Session Type] Display new ACO Session Type in Create Session dropdown

    • -0
    • +4
Added bar-loader back to loadingicon directive

Merge branch 'aco_develop' into develop

    • -6215
    • +7000
[PUL-6652 ACO: New Session Type] Display new ACO Session Type in Create Session dropdown

[PUL-6652 ACO: New Session Type] Display new ACO Session Type in Create Session dropdown

[PUL-6652 ACO: New Session Type] Display new ACO Session Type in Create Session dropdown

[PUL-6652 ACO: New Session Type] Display new ACO Session Type in Create Session dropdown

LoadingIcon directive fixed, webpack config adjusted and cleaned up

    • -75
    • +66
Merge commit dev to build-conversion branch

    • -0
    • +30
    • -33
    • +64
    • -4
    • +26
[PUL-6615] Front-end controls added to run business rules for selected sites in the Admin / Ad Hoc Refresh

    • -6908
    • +6183