Checkout Tools
  • last updated 8 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates

ESB-33263-[TIBCO Upgrade] Change deployment properties files to point to new CNAMES in QA.

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ESB-32677-[APG_ES_TokenManagement] Add additional Fields while sending Token Transactions to Verifone

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ESB-32677-Add additional fields while sending Transactions to Verifone

ESB-32331- Updated NoexplicitCA chain property

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ESB-32331- Updated NoexplicitCA chain property

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ESB-31952- Set NoExplicitCAChain property change revert

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ESB-31952- Set NoExplicitCAChain property change

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ESB-31952- Set NoExplicitCAChain property revert

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ESB-31952- Set NoExplicitCAChain property

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ESB-31708-Tokenization - New fields from SagePath in the Response to TAMS

ESB-31708-Tokenization - New fields from SagePath in the Response to TAMS

ESB-31708-Tokenization - New fields from SagePath in the Response to TAMS

ESB-31708-Tokenization - New fields from SagePath in the Response to TAMS

ESB-31708-Tokenization - New fields from SagePath in the Response to TAMS

ESB-31641 - Added the conversion of Sagepath response from utf-16 to utf-8 before sending the customer inquiry response to TAMS

ESB-31343-Token Management-Wrong path of Cassandra connection parameters in GV's

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ESB-30804 [TOKEN] Updated logging based on the review comments

ESB-30804 [TOKEN] Customer Token Randomization Enhancement by SagePath and Decommission RPM_SendToSecurePay.process, RPM_SendToVeriFone.process

ESB-30804 [TOKEN] Customer Token Randomization Enhancement by SagePath and Decommission RPM_SendToSecurePay.process, RPM_SendToVeriFone.process

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ESB-30804 [TOKEN] Customer Token Randomization Enhancement by SagePath and Decommission RPM_SendToSecurePay.process, RPM_SendToVeriFone.process

ESB-30804 [TOKEN] Customer Token Randomization Enhancement by SagePath and Decommission RPM_SendToSecurePay.process, RPM_SendToVeriFone.process

ESB-30836 RefreshCustomerTokenCache.process is erroring out when NEW_TKN not present, hence added a transition to ignore and continue.

ESB-29894 - Token Management add additional 2 Cassandra nodes to connection URL.

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ESB-29818 [TOKEN] Missing/Wrong PROD2 Configurations

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ESB-29818 [TOKEN] Missing/Wrong PROD2 Configurations

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ESB-29706 -Updated gv as per prod value

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ESB-29706 -Updated secure pay gv

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ESB-28050-[TOKEN] EMS Connection Property Update in PROD2

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ESB-27104 [TOKEN] Added the tra property to handle SSL Handshake issues on APP07 and APP08 servers

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ESB-27104 [TOKEN] Change contract from TAMS to accept new field for future enhancement by SagePath