Checkout Tools
  • last updated 5 hours ago
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ESB-33401 Implemented publishing of verification based on flag.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.

ESB-32639 - Add Logger Statement to get part count per request

ESB-32639 - Add Logger Statement to get part count per request

ESB-32639 - Add Logger Statement to get part count per request

ESB-32639 - Add Logger Statement to get part count per request

ESB-32639 - Add Logger Statement to get part count per request

ESB-32541 Implement publish Inventory verification responses to pubsub.

    • ?
  1. … 18 more files in changeset.

ESB-32130 - Implement validation of offsets within max store hours

ESB-32130 - Implement validation of offsets within max store hours

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.

ESB-31520 - Invoke IBIZ endpoint for clients whose parts needs to be translated

  1. … 19 more files in changeset.

ESB-31092 - non B2b services should always return Misc Charges when needPricing is true

ESB-31092 - non B2b services should always return Misc Charges when needPricing is true

ESB-29656 - Implement NOL aggregate v4.2 to make one call to v4 FreePaid

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
[ESB-28799] - ignore store hours and Timezone checks for Inventory Verification v4
[ESB-28799] - ignore store hours and Timezone checks for Inventory Verification v4

ESB-28799 - ignore store hours and Timezone checks for Inventory Verification v4

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
ESB-28799: [INVENTORY] Migrate Inventory Verification v2 to v4 version
ESB-28799: [INVENTORY] Migrate Inventory Verification v2 to v4 version

ESB-28799 - implement error response for inventory verification v4

ESB-28799 - Changes to splunk logger based on Code review.

ESB-28799 - implement additional attributes for verification v4

It would be best to move this before the try block so that we are sure it is created if an exception is thrown. Any exception before this will cause a NullPointerException.

It would be best to move this before the try block so that we are sure it is created if an exception is thrown. Any exception before this will cause a NullPointerException.

[ESB-28799] - implement additional attributes for verification v4
[ESB-28799] - implement additional attributes for verification v4

ESB-28799 - implement additional attributes for verification v4

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.