Checkout Tools
  • last updated 5 hours ago
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ESB-33401 Fix in LocateProductServiceV4 to handle no country code.

ESB-33401 Implemented publishing of verification based on flag.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.

ESB-33223 - Fix for FinditUAP , Missing Site Identifier List

ESB-33223 - Fix for FinditUAP NSight Cache Autowiring

ESB-33226-[LOCATEPRODUCT]-Locate Product to return new fields for address

ESB-33253-Getparts v4 showing incorrect cutoff time in NXP

ESB-33223 - Fix for IISQuery NSight Cache Autowiring

ESB-33226-[LOCATEPRODUCT]-Locate Product to return new fields for address.

ESB-33223 - Fix for DCBal quantity missing in B2B responses.

ESB-33165-INC6478483-In Inventory response we were seeing some previous day cutoff time in some warehouse.

ESB-33138-LocateProduct service getting 500 error with PartsTech

ESB-33117 Fix for ship to home bucket not showing up since the fromlist for site2zip queries was not correct.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.

ESB-33111-Ridge Stores inventory should come from GCP

ESB-33086 - Implemented removing redundant queries to NSight when calls go to GCP

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.

ESB-33044-Locate Product service showing wrong cutoff's for Free and Paid deliveries

ESB-33044-Locate Product service showing wrong cutoff's for Free and Paid deliveries

ESB-33035-Issue with NXP store related to cutoff and daylight saving time.

ESB-33052 - Added Comment for triggering build with right Jira

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ESB-33032 - Handle Http 204 which were sometimes timing out

ESB-33035-Issue with NXP store related to cutoff and daylight saving time.

ESB-33035-Issue with NXP store related to cutoff and daylight saving time.

ESB-33032 - Fix bug where sites with inventory from Cassandra were being used instead of the ones from GCP

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.

ESB-32851-Improve logging for InventoryServiceV4Impl to capture StackTrace

ESB-32944 Inventory verification to not publish Part not found

ESB-32944 Handle 204 from GCP availability service

ESB-32944 update default code buffer size

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.

ESB-32944 Fix for handling data buffer exception size exceeded

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.

ESB-32944 Implement Publishing NSight Free delivery responses to PubSub

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  1. … 1 more file in changeset.

ESB-32944 Logging changes for Implement integrate with delivery domain

ESB-32845-Empty lineabbrev should not be replaced in locate product V4 service