Checkout in TAMSII

[TAMSIIS-2553] added a comment to force tsu pickup and repush to the stores
[TAMSIIS-2314] ported the change from the 3_04 branch where I had originally commited it
[TAMSIIS-2314] updated sybase to now write the tmp files to /usr/tmp vs /tmp in rhel6 and rhel8
[TAMSIIS-562] the uname -n changed from sunos to linux. I added in a check to strip out the unnecessary piece
[TAMSIIS-2072] migrated from 3_03 which fixes issues with users with a space
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[TAMSIIS-1771] comminting the same files I commited to 3_03 to fix issues whith spaces in the names
[TAMSIIS-2072] updated both files to use curl first and if that fails to use bitsadmin. Also added in the ticks to handle special characters in the user name
[TAMSIIS-2072] updated this to surround the user profile with quotes to handle workstations with spaces in the name
[TAMSIIS-1833] Shells script to remove any files from the transin_deactivate directory that begin with S2S
[TAMSIIS-1771] RJ had an echo still in there that he needed to have removed.
[TAMSIIS-1771] updated tii.bat, update.bat and update_win10.bat to fix issues with spaces in non tams workstations
[TAMSIIS-1771] update to tii.bat that fixes an issue where a non gpc/tams workstation has usernames with a space
[TAMSIIS-1748] updated for TAMSIIS-1748 changes
[TAMSIIS-1728] Bug fixes for the EODDashboard code
[TAMSIIS-1668] updated to the latest version of provided by the support team
[TAMSIIS-1262] adding in the script per request from Bruce
[TAMSIIS-365] update to the monitoring tool script to fix described bug
[TAMSIIS-324] Issue was with the supersedes query that needed to be optimized to run with Sybase 11. We also checked that it works just as well with Sybase 7
[TII-60027] script for the MACS replacement project. Currently inactive until connect direct is installed. Moves files between the MACS and connect direct inbound and outbound directories
[TII-58769] removing from the cleanup
[TII-56573] fixed the path for the .Linux file
[TII-56573] updates jboss3 jmx-console username and password
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[TII-57391] fix for to check that zone pricing is active
[MACSR-145] created the properties file in /usr/tams/configs
[MACSR-145] updated script to write out the store number to store_num.dat
[TII-56458] updated the axis console password to the jmx-console defaults
[TII-23572] needed to add an explicit exit 0 since cpio returns a 1
[TII-23572] deploy crons for solaris and linux and zone pricing
[TII-23572] adding crontab for solaris zone pricing
[TII-23970] updated cron for solaris