
Comment Results

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SJR-1 09 Jul 2014

Please replace archive.server.ftp.build.dir with deploy.server.ftp.build.dir

SJR-1 14 Jul 2014

The version need to match what Remote Access is using

SJR-1 14 Jul 2014

Line 147 is extra and should be removed

SJR-1 14 Jul 2014

This profile is missing the code <build>...</build> block that ftp the build artifact to the server. Need to get that block out of the silver module pom from the original RemoteAccess project and add to here.

ACT-4 14 Jul 2014

You need to be more specific if the job is expecting the user to enter the actual project name in Jira or the project key in Jira. The default value you have supplied is referencing the Jira key for the TAMSII project.

ACT-4 14 Jul 2014

Need to determine which naming standard to use when referring to the defect tracking tool. The publisher has called it "Jira" but GPC has internally named it "APG Change Tracker" (ACT). Another build parameter references "JIRA" while this parameter references "ACT". I would like to see one or the other, not both.

ACT-4 14 Jul 2014

I would reword this to be "Released version to be merged into trunk"

ACT-4 14 Jul 2014

Typo: "enter their LDAP ID"

ACT-4 14 Jul 2014

I noticed on the production Jenkins there is a Merge_Branch2Trunk job and it has an extra parameter condition check for JENKINS_SLAVE. Do make sure you remove that from the production Jenkins server.

ACT-4 14 Jul 2014

You should add an "else" here and verify the value in the JIRA_PROJECT_NAME parameter is a valid Jira project using the Jira CLI. Hint: use 'jira.bat --action getProject --project <project name>'

ACT-4 14 Jul 2014

You should add an "else" here and verify the value in the BRANCH_TO_MERGE parameter is a valid SVN entity using SVN CLI. Hint: use 'svn info <path>\<project>\branches\<branch>'.
A valid path will produce usable information while a bad path will give an error.

ACT-4 14 Jul 2014

You should add an "else" here and verify the value in the AFFECTS_VERSION parameter is a valid version for the Jira project.

ACT-4 14 Jul 2014

You should add an "else" here and verify the value in the FIX_VERSION parameter is a valid version for the Jira project.

ACT-4 14 Jul 2014

I would make sure if you need to begin this line with "java -jar $JIRA_CLI" ...
It might be best to surround the password value with single quotes just in case someone has a special character in their password.
Please put "(" and ")" around the branch name in the summary and description.
We do not put labels on merge to trunk tickets.

ACT-4 14 Jul 2014

Please explain why you are capturing the command output into a log file and then displaying it out.

ACT-4 14 Jul 2014

What happens if this MySQL info gets changed due to a new server or the password needs to be changed?

I would suggest proposing that we turn these into environment variables on Jenkins master and slave servers; except for the MysqlDBTable.

ACT-4 14 Jul 2014

There is not a column named deployStagingStart in the mergemetrics table.
Where does 'metric_id' get set?

If this is the beginning of the merge procedure, then you should be doing an insert statement here.

You should be capturing and logging the results and then determine if the job should continue if passed or stop if failed.

ACT-4 14 Jul 2014

smbclient is not a good option since it requires a network share to be established on the SVN server.

ACT-4 14 Jul 2014

I don't understand the echo message part about "Won't proceed". Please explain the reason for this text.

ACT-4 14 Jul 2014

Shouldn't this step be validating that the branch is closed?

ACT-4 14 Jul 2014

So if the line after the <project name>/branches/<branch name> has a '#' in front of it (which is what we want it to be at this point), we fail the job? I'm assuming you have the 'exit 1' in an incorrect location. Maybe you're missing and 'else'?

ACT-4 14 Jul 2014

Is this a windows batch command or a bash script? If it's a bash script, then this is not initialized properly (#!/bin/bash). Plus, will this job only run on jenkins? I am really confused by this statement.

TIIRA-1 16 Jul 2014

version needs to be moved between groupId and artifactId

TIIRA-1 16 Jul 2014

Since we are not using Bugzilla any more, change it to ACT so it fits any system that we use.

TIIRA-1 16 Jul 2014

Please add a HOTDEPLOY profile block, as per GPC Development Standard it needs to be before the DEPLOY-ARCHIVE profile.

TIIRA-1 16 Jul 2014

Please use all capital letters for the id.

TIIRA-1 16 Jul 2014

Please replace archive.server.ip with deploy.server.ip

TIIRA-1 16 Jul 2014

Please replace archive.server.ftp.user with deploy.server.user

TIIRA-1 16 Jul 2014

Please replace archive.server.ftp.pass with deploy.server.pass

TIIRA-1 16 Jul 2014

Please replace archive.server.root.pass with deploy.server.root.pass

TIIRA-1 16 Jul 2014

Please replace archive.server.ssh.timeout with deploy.server.timeout
Please move timeout below prompt

TIIRA-1 16 Jul 2014

Please replace archive.server.prompt with deploy.server.prompt

TIIRA-1 16 Jul 2014

Please replace archive.server.ftp.dir with deploy.server.ftp.dir

TIIRA-1 16 Jul 2014

Please replace archive.server.ftp.build.dir with deploy.server.ftp.build.dir

TIIRA-1 16 Jul 2014

Please remove the dependency block for silver

TIIRA-1 16 Jul 2014

Please make sure all the parameter name here match what are in the parent pom.xml between line 324 and 371

TIIRA-1 16 Jul 2014

Please make sure all the parameter name here match what are in the parent pom.xml between line 438 and 442

TIIRA-1 16 Jul 2014

Update the name of the file to be included to "tams_remote_access-$

Unknown macro: {project.version}


TIIRA-1 21 Jul 2014

remove the letter "p" from password

TIIRA-1 21 Jul 2014

Need to remove the silver module from the project and the removal should happen in the local working copy

ACT-4 28 Jul 2014

I would separate these tasks: disabling jenkins job and the next svn command. Maybe even make a server side script on Jenkins that can be called to disable jobs.

ACT-4 28 Jul 2014

I'm not sure you are using "workspace" correctly here. It actually looks like you are performing a checkout of the entire project and not just the branch. It would help if you included comments to help explain the functionality of your code. By looking at the lines below, this "svn co" command may need to be removed.

ACT-4 28 Jul 2014

You are performing an update as if the trunk already exists. You should also perform error handling to make sure the 'svn' command did not throw an error.

ACT-4 28 Jul 2014

You are performing an update as if the branch already exists. Again, you should perform error handling to make sure the 'svn' command did not throw an error.

ACT-4 28 Jul 2014

If this is another bash shell script, you are missing proper initialization: (#!/bin/bash)

ACT-4 28 Jul 2014

I'm not understanding the benefit to perform 'pushd' here.

ACT-4 28 Jul 2014

I do not see the "--reintegrate" attribute in this 'svn merge' command

ACT-4 28 Jul 2014

Seems like you are missing code here to email something

ACT-4 28 Jul 2014

You need to verify that 'jira.log' file exists in the current location before trying to access it.

ACT-4 28 Jul 2014

What is step 41 in the workflow? A comment before this JIRA_CLI command would be helpful