
Comment Results

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CMRPT-1 11 Jan 2012

You've stated in the instructions label to select project and versions to see a list of available versions but that is redundant. Please remove the first instance of the word "Version(s)" so it makes more sense.

CMRPT-1 11 Jan 2012

Along with the previous change I've requested you will now need to add back the instructions to select the Version(s) from the list available before clicking the Run Report button.

CMRPT-1 11 Jan 2012

does this mean that we are only going to get the first fix version on each Issue instead of all fix versions for that issue? Can we please make sure we are showing all fix versions in a comma separated list

CMRPT-1 11 Jan 2012

since you are dynamically populating the contents of the list box above, these 3 lines are no longer needed. These are used to populate the list box from a data query which you are no longer doing.

CMRPT-1 11 Jan 2012

since you are dynamically populating the contents of the list box above, these 3 lines are no longer needed. These are used to populate the list box from a data query which you are no longer doing.

CMRPT-1 11 Jan 2012

If they did not select a Version, we want to send them a message telling them they have to fill select one to run the report (the message is already there a few lines below this). This particular if section needs to be removed and only leave the other 2 in the if else block.

CMRPT-1 11 Jan 2012

The function protected void lbClassification_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) needs to be removed as there is no longer a list box named lbClassification

CMRPT-1 11 Jan 2012

you removed a column but didn't change all rows to now only have 3 columns

CMRPT-1 11 Jan 2012

you removed a column but didn't change all rows to now only have 3 columns

CMRPT-1 11 Jan 2012

this error message needs to be updated to say Issue instead of defect and state that it should be letters, numbers, and a single dash instead of just numbers only.

CMRPT-1 11 Jan 2012

you removed a column but didn't change all rows to now only have 3 columns

CMRPT-1 11 Jan 2012

you removed a column but didn't change all rows to now only have 3 columns

CMRPT-1 11 Jan 2012

change this to say Issue Id

CMRPT-1 11 Jan 2012

change the word Defect to Issue

CMRPT-1 13 Jan 2012

since you are dynamically populating the contents of the list box above, these 3 lines are no longer needed. These are used to populate the list box from a data query which you are no longer doing.

CMRPT-1 13 Jan 2012

since you are dynamically populating the contents of the list box above, these 3 lines are no longer needed. These are used to populate the list box from a data query which you are no longer doing.

CMRPT-1 13 Jan 2012

since you are dynamically populating the contents of the list box above, these 3 lines are no longer needed. These are used to populate the list box from a data query which you are no longer doing.

CMRPT-1 13 Jan 2012

these credentials need to be stored in the web.config file and parameterized into this function

CMRPT-1 13 Jan 2012

Please change the word "Defect" to "Issue"

CMRPT-1 13 Jan 2012

since you are dynamically populating the contents of the list box above, these 3 lines are no longer needed. These are used to populate the list box from a data query which you are no longer doing.

CMRPT-1 13 Jan 2012

since you are dynamically populating the contents of the list box above, these 3 lines are no longer needed. These are used to populate the list box from a data query which you are no longer doing.

CMRPT-1 13 Jan 2012

since we are now requiring all Issues in a build to have that build number in the FixVersion field, this should now only be a single select box.

CMRPT-1 13 Jan 2012

this appears to be a line for debugging that did not get commented out. Please comment this out or remove it.

CMRPT-1 13 Jan 2012

don't declare this on one line and enter the default value on a different one. Please put this into a single line.

CMRPT-1 13 Jan 2012

please remove the lines that are commented out

CMRPT-1 13 Jan 2012

change the word "Defect" to "Issue"

CMRPT-1 13 Jan 2012

the field lbCategory was commented out so this entire function should be removed

CMRPT-1 13 Jan 2012

it is a bad practice to define a variable at the global level unless it is a constant or something of that nature. Since you are only using this variable in the function BindData you should instead declare it within that function. This avoids having scope problems with the variable.

CMRPT-1 13 Jan 2012

your comment refers to 3 single quotes but that is not what is being used. Please either fix the comment or just remove it

CMRPT-1 13 Jan 2012

this is only going to show the first fixversion assigned to this issue which isn't even going to be the version selected in all cases. This needs to show a comma separated list of all fixversion values assigned to the issue

CMRPT-1 13 Jan 2012

this is only going to show the first fixversion assigned to this issue which isn't even going to be the version selected in all cases. This needs to show a comma separated list of all fixversion values assigned to the issue

CMRPT-1 13 Jan 2012

unless there is a reason, you shouldn't unnecessarily assign a variable into another variable that you are then just going to use the value of. Just use the jira_issue.key.ToString(); in all of the places you are now using the string bug_id

CMRPT-1 13 Jan 2012

since you are dynamically populating the contents of the list box above, these 3 lines are no longer needed. These are used to populate the list box from a data query which you are no longer doing.

CMRPT-1 13 Jan 2012

since you are dynamically populating the contents of the list box above, these 3 lines are no longer needed. These are used to populate the list box from a data query which you are no longer doing.

CMRPT-1 13 Jan 2012

please make the Text and the Value for each li set to jira_project.name. This way you don't have to make a new soap call to get the name when the user pushes the button to run the report. it will just pull it from the selected list item.

CMRPT-1 13 Jan 2012

please make the Text and the Value for each li set to jira_project.name. This way you don't have to make a new soap call to get the name when the user pushes the button to run the report. it will just pull it from the selected list item.

CMRPT-1 13 Jan 2012

change the word "Defect" to "Issue"

CMRPT-1 13 Jan 2012

change the colspan to 2

CMRPT-1 13 Jan 2012

change the colspan to 2

CMRPT-1 13 Jan 2012

the search results coming back from Jira using this query are not what we expect. Please rework this report to first get a list of distinct Issue IDs from the CMReports Subversion database and then check that list (via a loop) against Jira to see if that Issue ID's fixVersion(s) are set to the one selected by the users

CMRPT-1 13 Jan 2012

this is only going to show the first fixversion assigned to this issue which isn't even going to be the version selected in all cases. This needs to show a comma separated list of all fixversion values assigned to the issue

CMRPT-1 13 Jan 2012

please make the Text and the Value for each li set to jira_project.name. This way you don't have to make a new soap call to get the name when the user pushes the button to run the report. it will just pull it from the selected list item.

CMRPT-1 13 Jan 2012

since you are dynamically populating the contents of the list box above, these 3 lines are no longer needed. These are used to populate the list box from a data query which you are no longer doing.

CMRPT-1 13 Jan 2012

since you are dynamically populating the contents of the list box above, these 3 lines are no longer needed. These are used to populate the list box from a data query which you are no longer doing.

CMRPT-1 16 Jan 2012

The Value needs to stay as the key. The key is used in an API call to Jira to get the list of Versions for the project selected.

CMRPT-1 18 Jan 2012

this is a debugging line that needs to be removed

CMRPT-1 18 Jan 2012

you are mixing the words defect and issue throughout this label's text. Please change all instances of the word defect to now be issue.

CMRPT-1 18 Jan 2012

change the word Defects to Issues

CMRPT-6 08 Feb 2012


CMRPT-6 08 Feb 2012
