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  • last updated 4 hours ago
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Changeset 255087 is being indexed.

ESB-32904-Make Change to on-prem Store Inventory feed service to push inventory updated via Store Inventory feed GCP API-NEW DNS

ESB-32904-Make Change to on-prem Store Inventory feed service to push inventory updated via Store Inventory feed GCP API-NEW DNS

ESB-32905-Make Change to on-prem DC Inventory feed service to push inventory updated via DC Inventory feed GCP API-Updtaed New DNS

ESB-32905-Make Change to on-prem DC Inventory feed service to push inventory updated via DC Inventory feed GCP API-Updtaed New DNS

ESB-32905-Make Change to on-prem DC Inventory feed service to push inventory updated via DC Inventory feed GCP API-Updtaed New DNS

ESB-32904-Make Change to on-prem Store Inventory feed service to push inventory updated via Store Inventory feed GCP API-NEW DNS

ESB-32904-Make Change to on-prem Store Inventory feed service to push inventory updated via Store Inventory feed GCP API-NEW DNS

ESB-33052 - Added Comment for triggering build with right Jira

ESB-32933-Scorecard changes for Ridge and Ideal Supply

ESB-32933-Scorecard changes for Ridge and Ideal Supply

ESB-33032 - Handle Http 204 which were sometimes timing out

ESB-32991-Update On-Prem Virtual Kit process to export Virtual Data (updated format)

ESB-33048 create v.4.232.00 tag to build nsight-product-availability micro service

ESB-33035-Issue with NXP store related to cutoff and daylight saving time.

ESB-32867: Changes for db password change for uat

ESB-33041 create v.4.231.00 tag to build nsight-product-availability micro service

ESB-33035-Issue with NXP store related to cutoff and daylight saving time.

ESB-33040 create v.uatPerf345 tag to build SiteToSiteFreeDeliveryByDayExport spark job

ESB-33040 delete tag to recreate it for build

ESB-33039 create v.uatPerf345 tag to build SiteToSiteFreeDeliveryByDayExport spark job

ESB-33037 Added the suppliers if available to the exports along with DCs and Stores

ESB-32867: Changes for db password change for uat

ESB-33036 create v.uatPerf353 tag to build nsight-product-availability micro service

ESB-33032 - Fix bug where sites with inventory from Cassandra were being used instead of the ones from GCP

ESB-33033 create v.uatPerf353 tag to build Tibco Hawk Rule changes

ESB-33033 create v.uatPerf353 tag to build Project_Library_Configuration

ESB-33033 create v.uatPerf353 tag to build Common_Configuration

ESB-33033 create v.uatPerf353 tag to build APG_ES_Site

ESB-33028 create v.uatPerf352 tag to build Tibco Hawk Rule changes

ESB-33028 create v.uatPerf352 tag to build Project_Library_Configuration