package com.gpc.server.dataaccess.employee; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.gpc.backofficecommon.constants.schema.Sch_Employee; import com.gpc.backofficecommon.constants.schema.Sch_EmployeeClock; import com.gpc.backofficecommon.constants.schema.Sch_EmployeeNonWorkedHours; import com.gpc.backofficecommon.constants.schema.Sch_FWGroupUser; import com.gpc.backofficecommon.constants.schema.Sch_FWUser; import com.gpc.backofficecommon.constants.schema.Sch_PayPeriodProfile; import com.gpc.backofficecommon.constants.schema.Sch_RefEmployeeJobCode; import com.gpc.backofficecommon.constants.schema.Sch_Tables; import com.gpc.backofficecommon.constants.schema.Sch_TimeTrackingProfile; import com.gpc.common.ApplicationContext; import com.gpc.common.PointOfSaleException; import com.gpc.common.Profile; import com.gpc.server.util.JDBCUtil; import com.gpc.server.util.ServerUtil; import com.gpc.valueobjects.employee.EmployeeVO; import com.gpc.valueobjects.profile.TimeTrackingProfileVO; public class Employee { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Employee.class); public static final String ACTIVE_INVOICING_ALLOWED_EMPLOYEES = "ACTIVE_INVOICING_ALLOWED_EMPLOYEES"; public static final String ACTIVE_SALES_MAN = "ACTIVE_SALES_MAN"; public static final String ACTIVE_CLOCKED_IN_EMPLOYEES = "ACTIVE_CLOCKED_IN_EMPLOYEES"; private boolean DEBUG = true; final static String SALESMAN_EMPLOYEE_JOB_CODES = "1079, 1093, 1131, 1139"; final static String SALESMAN_JOB_CODES = "SELECT " + Sch_RefEmployeeJobCode.ID + " FROM " + Sch_Tables.REF_EMPLOYEE_JOB_CODE + " WHERE " + Sch_RefEmployeeJobCode.EMPLOYEE_JOB_CODE + " IN (" + SALESMAN_EMPLOYEE_JOB_CODES + ")"; private static final int STORE_MANAGER_ID = 1; private static final int DISTRICT_OFFICE_ID = 4; private static final String EMPLOYEE_SELECT_SQL = "SELECT " + Sch_Employee.ID + ", " + Sch_Employee.EMPLOYEE_NUM + ", " + Sch_Employee.FIRST_NAME + ", " + Sch_Employee.LAST_NAME + ", " + Sch_Employee.MIDDLE_INITIAL + ", "+ Sch_Employee.REF_LANGUAGE_CD + ", " + Sch_Employee.CLOCKED_IN + ", " + Sch_Employee.INVOICING_ALLOWED + " FROM " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE; private static final String EMPLOYEE_DETAIL_INFO_SELECT_SQL = "SELECT " + Sch_Employee.ID + ", " + Sch_Employee.EMPLOYEE_NUM + ", " + Sch_Employee.FIRST_NAME + ", " + Sch_Employee.LAST_NAME + ", " + Sch_Employee.MIDDLE_INITIAL + ", " + Sch_Employee.REF_LANGUAGE_CD + ", " + Sch_Employee.REF_COUNTRY_CD + ", " + Sch_Employee.CLOCKED_IN + ", " + Sch_Employee.INVOICING_ALLOWED + ", " + Sch_Employee.PASSWORD + ", " + Sch_Employee.REF_PAY_TYPE_ID + ", " + Sch_Employee.CUSTOMER_ID + ", " + Sch_Employee.TERMINATION_DATE + ", " + Sch_Employee.REF_CATALOG_PREFERENCE_ID + ", " + Sch_Employee.DISPLAY_GROSS_PROFIT_AND_COST + ", " + Sch_Employee.PASSWORD_EXP_DATE + ", " + Sch_Employee.REF_PASSWORD_STATUS_ID +", " + Sch_Employee.ALLOW_CHANGE_CATALOG_PREFERENCE+", " + Sch_Employee.LDAP_EXTERNAL_IDENTIFIER+ " FROM " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE; private static final String CURRENT_EMPLOYEE_SELECT_SQL = "SELECT " + Sch_Employee.EMPLOYEE_NUM + ", " + Sch_Employee.FIRST_NAME + ", " + Sch_Employee.LAST_NAME + ", " + Sch_Employee.PAY_PERIOD_PROFILE_ID + " FROM " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE + ", " + Sch_Tables.TIME_TRACKING_PROFILE; private static final String TIME_ENTERED_EMPLOYEE_SELECT_SQL = "SELECT " + " DISTINCT " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE + "." + Sch_Employee.EMPLOYEE_NUM + ", " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE + "." + Sch_Employee.FIRST_NAME + ", " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE + "." + Sch_Employee.LAST_NAME + " FROM " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE + " LEFT OUTER JOIN " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE_CLOCK + " ON " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE + "." + Sch_Employee.ID + " = " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE_CLOCK + "." + Sch_EmployeeClock.EMPLOYEE_ID + " AND " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE + "." + Sch_Employee.LOC + " = " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE_CLOCK + "." + Sch_EmployeeClock.LOC + " LEFT OUTER JOIN " + Sch_Tables.PAY_PERIOD_PROFILE + " ON " + Sch_Tables.PAY_PERIOD_PROFILE + "." + Sch_PayPeriodProfile.ID + " = " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE + "." + Sch_Employee.PAY_PERIOD_PROFILE_ID + " AND " + Sch_Tables.PAY_PERIOD_PROFILE + "." + Sch_PayPeriodProfile.LOC + " = " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE + "." + Sch_Employee.LOC + " LEFT OUTER JOIN " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE_NON_WORKED_HOURS + " ON " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE + "." + Sch_Employee.ID + " = " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE_NON_WORKED_HOURS + "." + Sch_EmployeeNonWorkedHours.EMPLOYEE_ID + " AND " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE + "." + Sch_Employee.LOC + " = " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE_NON_WORKED_HOURS + "." + Sch_EmployeeNonWorkedHours.LOC; private static final String SELECT_STORE_MANAGER_OR_DIST_OFFICE_EMP = "SELECT TOP 1 " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE + "." + Sch_Employee.ID + ", " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE + "." + Sch_Employee.EMPLOYEE_NUM + " FROM " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE + " INNER JOIN " + Sch_Tables.FW_USER + " ON " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE + "." + Sch_Employee.FW_USER_ID + " = " + Sch_Tables.FW_USER + "." + Sch_FWUser.ID + " AND " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE + "." + Sch_Employee.LOC + " = " + Sch_Tables.FW_USER + "." + Sch_FWUser.LOC + " INNER JOIN " + Sch_Tables.FW_GROUP_USER + " ON " + Sch_Tables.FW_USER + "." + Sch_FWUser.ID + " = " + Sch_Tables.FW_GROUP_USER + "." + Sch_FWGroupUser.USER_ID + " AND " + Sch_Tables.FW_USER + "." + Sch_FWUser.LOC + " = " + Sch_Tables.FW_GROUP_USER + "." + Sch_FWGroupUser.LOC + " WHERE " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE + "." + Sch_Employee.LOC + " = ? AND (" + Sch_Employee.TERMINATION_DATE + " IS NULL OR " + Sch_Employee.TERMINATION_DATE + " >= CURRENT DATE) AND " + Sch_Tables.FW_GROUP_USER + "." + Sch_FWGroupUser.GROUP_ID + " IN (" + STORE_MANAGER_ID + "," + DISTRICT_OFFICE_ID + ") " + " ORDER BY " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE + "." + Sch_Employee.EMPLOYEE_NUM; private static final String EMPLOYEE_ACCOUNT_INFO_SELECT_SQL = "SELECT " + Sch_Employee.ID + ", " + Sch_Employee.PASSWORD_EXP_DATE + ", " + Sch_Employee.REF_PASSWORD_STATUS_ID + " FROM " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE; private String whereClauseForSelectEmployee(Integer loc, String typeOfList) { String retValue = " WHERE " + Sch_Employee.LOC + " = " + loc + " AND (((" + Sch_Employee.TERMINATION_DATE + " IS NULL) OR (" + Sch_Employee.TERMINATION_DATE + " >= CURRENT DATE))"; if (typeOfList.trim().equals(ACTIVE_SALES_MAN)) { retValue += " AND (" + Sch_Employee.REF_EMPLOYEE_JOB_CODE_ID + " IN (" + SALESMAN_JOB_CODES + ")) OR EMPLOYEE_NUM = 0 )"; } if (typeOfList.trim().equals(ACTIVE_INVOICING_ALLOWED_EMPLOYEES)) { retValue += " AND (" + Sch_Employee.INVOICING_ALLOWED + " = 'Y'))"; } return retValue; } private String whereClauseForEmployeeDetailInfo(Integer loc, Integer empNum) { String retValue = " WHERE " + Sch_Employee.LOC + " = " + loc + " AND " + Sch_Employee.EMPLOYEE_NUM + " = " + empNum + " AND ((" + Sch_Employee.TERMINATION_DATE + " IS NULL) OR (" + Sch_Employee.TERMINATION_DATE + " >= CURRENT DATE))"; return retValue; } private String whereClauseForEmployeeDetailInfoByID(Integer loc, Integer ID) { String retValue = " WHERE " + Sch_Employee.LOC + " = " + loc + " AND " + Sch_Employee.ID + " = " + ID + " AND ((" + Sch_Employee.TERMINATION_DATE + " IS NULL) OR (" + Sch_Employee.TERMINATION_DATE + " >= CURRENT DATE))"; return retValue; } private String whereClauseForAllEmployeeDetailInfoByID(Integer loc, Integer ID) { String retValue = " WHERE " + Sch_Employee.LOC + " = " + loc + " AND " + Sch_Employee.ID + " = " + ID; return retValue; } private String whereClauseForCuurentPayPeriodEmployee(Integer loc) { String retValue = " WHERE " + Sch_Employee.PAY_PERIOD_PROFILE_ID + " = "; TimeTrackingProfileVO timeTrackingProfileVO = ApplicationContext.getInstance() .getProfile(Profile.SERVER, loc.intValue()).getTimeTrackingProfile(); Integer biweeklyPPPID = timeTrackingProfileVO.getBiweeklyPayPeriodProfileID(); Integer weeklyPPPID = timeTrackingProfileVO.getWeeklyPayPeriodProfileID(); logger.debug("biweeklyPPPID" + biweeklyPPPID); logger.debug("weeklyPPPID" + weeklyPPPID); if (biweeklyPPPID != null && weeklyPPPID != null) { retValue += Sch_TimeTrackingProfile.BIWEEKLY_PAY_PERIOD_PROFILE_ID + " OR " + Sch_Employee.PAY_PERIOD_PROFILE_ID + " = " + Sch_TimeTrackingProfile.WEEKLY_PAY_PERIOD_PROFILE_ID; } else if (biweeklyPPPID != null) { retValue += Sch_TimeTrackingProfile.BIWEEKLY_PAY_PERIOD_PROFILE_ID; } else if (weeklyPPPID != null) { retValue += Sch_TimeTrackingProfile.WEEKLY_PAY_PERIOD_PROFILE_ID; } logger.debug(retValue + retValue); return retValue; } private String whereClauseForClockInEmployees() { String retValue = " WHERE " + " ( " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE + "." + Sch_Employee.PAY_PERIOD_PROFILE_ID + " = " + " ( " + "SELECT " + Sch_TimeTrackingProfile.WEEKLY_PAY_PERIOD_PROFILE_ID + " FROM " + Sch_Tables.TIME_TRACKING_PROFILE + " ) " + " OR " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE + "." + Sch_Employee.PAY_PERIOD_PROFILE_ID + " = " + " ( " + "SELECT " + Sch_TimeTrackingProfile.BIWEEKLY_PAY_PERIOD_PROFILE_ID + " FROM " + Sch_Tables.TIME_TRACKING_PROFILE + " )) " + " AND DATE(" + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE_CLOCK + "." + Sch_EmployeeClock.CLOCK_IN_DATE + ") >= " + Sch_PayPeriodProfile.CURRENT_PAY_PERIOD_BEGIN_DATE + " AND " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE_CLOCK + "." + Sch_EmployeeClock.CLOCK_OUT_DATE + " IS NOT " + "NULL" + " AND " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE_CLOCK + "." + Sch_EmployeeClock.EMPLOYEE_ID + " NOT IN " + " ( " + "SELECT " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE_CLOCK + "." + Sch_EmployeeClock.EMPLOYEE_ID + " FROM " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE_CLOCK + " WHERE " + Sch_EmployeeClock.CLOCK_OUT_DATE + " IS NULL " + " AND DATE(" + Sch_EmployeeClock.CLOCK_IN_DATE + ") BETWEEN " + Sch_PayPeriodProfile.CURRENT_PAY_PERIOD_BEGIN_DATE + " AND " + Sch_PayPeriodProfile.CURRENT_PAY_PERIOD_END_DATE + " )" + " AND DATE(" + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE_CLOCK + "." + Sch_EmployeeClock.CLOCK_OUT_DATE + ") BETWEEN " + Sch_PayPeriodProfile.CURRENT_PAY_PERIOD_BEGIN_DATE + " AND " + Sch_PayPeriodProfile.CURRENT_PAY_PERIOD_END_DATE + " OR "+ "( " + Sch_EmployeeNonWorkedHours.REF_ACTIVITY_TYPE_ID + " NOT IN (1,2,3) AND "+Sch_EmployeeNonWorkedHours.ACTIVITY_DATE +" BETWEEN " + Sch_PayPeriodProfile.CURRENT_PAY_PERIOD_BEGIN_DATE + " AND " + Sch_PayPeriodProfile.CURRENT_PAY_PERIOD_END_DATE + ")"; logger.debug(retValue + retValue); return retValue; } private String whereClauseForEmployeeAccountInfo(Integer loc, Integer empNum) { return " WHERE " + Sch_Employee.LOC + " = " + loc + " AND " + Sch_Employee.EMPLOYEE_NUM + " = " + empNum + " AND ((" + Sch_Employee.TERMINATION_DATE + " IS NULL) OR (" + Sch_Employee.TERMINATION_DATE + " >= CURRENT DATE))"; } public Employee() {} public Vector getEmployeeList(Integer loc, String typeOfList) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException { return getEmployeeList(loc, typeOfList, null); } //Business methods public Vector getEmployeeList(Integer loc, String typeOfList, Connection c) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException { Vector v = new Vector(); EmployeeVO vo = null; String sSQL = EMPLOYEE_SELECT_SQL + whereClauseForSelectEmployee(loc, typeOfList); logger.debug("getEmployeeList = " + sSQL); boolean connectionWasPassed = true; try { if (c == null) { c = ServerUtil.getConnection(); connectionWasPassed = false; } Statement stmt = c.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sSQL); while ( { vo = new EmployeeVO(); vo.setID((Integer)rs.getObject(Sch_Employee.ID)); vo.setEmployeeNum((Integer)rs.getObject(Sch_Employee.EMPLOYEE_NUM)); vo.setFirstName(rs.getString(Sch_Employee.FIRST_NAME)); vo.setLastName(rs.getString(Sch_Employee.LAST_NAME)); vo.setMiddleInitial(rs.getString(Sch_Employee.MIDDLE_INITIAL) == null ? "" : rs.getString(Sch_Employee.MIDDLE_INITIAL)); vo.setRefLanguageCD(rs.getString(Sch_Employee.REF_LANGUAGE_CD)); vo.setClockedIn(rs.getString(Sch_Employee.CLOCKED_IN)); vo.setInvoicingAllowed(rs.getString(Sch_Employee.INVOICING_ALLOWED)); v.add(vo); } JDBCUtil.closeResultSet(rs); JDBCUtil.closeStatement(stmt); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("getEmployeeList", e); } finally { if(c != null && !connectionWasPassed) { ServerUtil.releaseConnection(c); } } logger.debug("Done getEmployeeList"); return v; } public EmployeeVO getEmployeeDetailInfo(Integer loc, Integer empNum) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException { return getEmployeeDetailInfo(loc, empNum, null); } public EmployeeVO getEmployeeDetailInfo(Integer loc, Integer empNum, Connection conn) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException { EmployeeVO vo = null; String sSQL = EMPLOYEE_DETAIL_INFO_SELECT_SQL + whereClauseForEmployeeDetailInfo(loc, empNum); logger.debug("getEmployeeDetailInfo = " + sSQL); vo = getDetailInfo(sSQL, conn); logger.debug("Done getEmployeeDetailInfo"); return vo; } public EmployeeVO getAllEmployeeDetailInfoByID(Integer loc, Integer ID) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException { return getAllEmployeeDetailInfo(loc, ID, null); } //gets all Employee details, including those who have been teminated. public EmployeeVO getAllEmployeeDetailInfoByID(Integer loc, Integer ID, Connection conn) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException { EmployeeVO vo = null; String sSQL = EMPLOYEE_DETAIL_INFO_SELECT_SQL + whereClauseForAllEmployeeDetailInfoByID(loc, ID); vo = getDetailInfo(sSQL, conn); return vo; } public EmployeeVO getAllEmployeeDetailInfo(Integer loc, Integer empNum) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException { return getAllEmployeeDetailInfo(loc, empNum, null); } //gets all Employee details, including those who have been teminated. public EmployeeVO getAllEmployeeDetailInfo(Integer loc, Integer empNum, Connection conn) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException { EmployeeVO vo = null; String sSQL = EMPLOYEE_DETAIL_INFO_SELECT_SQL + whereClauseForAllEmployeeDetailInfoByID(loc, empNum); vo = getDetailInfo(sSQL, conn); return vo; } public EmployeeVO getEmployeeDetailInfoByID(Integer loc, Integer ID) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException { return getEmployeeDetailInfoByID(null, loc, ID); } public EmployeeVO getEmployeeDetailInfoByID(Connection conn, Integer loc, Integer ID) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException { EmployeeVO vo = null; String sSQL = EMPLOYEE_DETAIL_INFO_SELECT_SQL + whereClauseForEmployeeDetailInfoByID(loc, ID); logger.debug("getEmployeeDetailInfo = " + sSQL); vo = getDetailInfo(sSQL, conn); logger.debug("Done getEmployeeDetailInfo"); return vo; } /** Method that populates a VO if you send it the right sql Just to avoid duplicate code. Not very clean. **/ private EmployeeVO getDetailInfo(String sSQL, Connection c) { EmployeeVO vo = null; boolean connectionWasPassed = true; try { if (c == null) { c = ServerUtil.getConnection(); connectionWasPassed = false; } Statement stmt = c.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sSQL); if ( { vo = new EmployeeVO(); vo.setID((Integer)rs.getObject(Sch_Employee.ID)); vo.setEmployeeNum((Integer)rs.getObject(Sch_Employee.EMPLOYEE_NUM)); vo.setFirstName(rs.getString(Sch_Employee.FIRST_NAME)); vo.setLastName(rs.getString(Sch_Employee.LAST_NAME)); vo.setMiddleInitial(rs.getString(Sch_Employee.MIDDLE_INITIAL) == null ? "" : rs.getString(Sch_Employee.MIDDLE_INITIAL)); vo.setRefLanguageCD(rs.getString(Sch_Employee.REF_LANGUAGE_CD)); vo.setRefCountryCD(rs.getString(Sch_Employee.REF_COUNTRY_CD)); vo.setClockedIn(rs.getString(Sch_Employee.CLOCKED_IN)); vo.setInvoicingAllowed(rs.getString(Sch_Employee.INVOICING_ALLOWED)); vo.setPassword(rs.getString(Sch_Employee.PASSWORD)); vo.setRefPayTypeID((Integer)rs.getObject(Sch_Employee.REF_PAY_TYPE_ID)); vo.setCustomerID((Integer)rs.getObject(Sch_Employee.CUSTOMER_ID)); vo.setTerminationDate((Timestamp)rs.getObject(Sch_Employee.TERMINATION_DATE)); vo.setRefCatalogPreference((Integer)rs.getObject(Sch_Employee.REF_CATALOG_PREFERENCE_ID)); vo.setDisplayGrossProfitAndCost(rs.getString(Sch_Employee.DISPLAY_GROSS_PROFIT_AND_COST)); vo.setPasswordExpDate(rs.getDate(Sch_Employee.PASSWORD_EXP_DATE)); vo.setRefPasswordStatus((Integer)rs.getObject(Sch_Employee.REF_PASSWORD_STATUS_ID)); vo.setAllowChangeCatalogPreference(rs.getString(Sch_Employee.ALLOW_CHANGE_CATALOG_PREFERENCE)); vo.setEmployeeLdapId(rs.getString(Sch_Employee.LDAP_EXTERNAL_IDENTIFIER)); } JDBCUtil.closeResultSet(rs); JDBCUtil.closeStatement(stmt); }catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("getEmployeeDetailInfo", e); } finally { if(c != null && !connectionWasPassed) { ServerUtil.releaseConnection(c); } } return vo; } public EmployeeVO getSalesPersonInfo(Integer loc, Integer ID) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException { return getSalesPersonInfo(loc, ID, null); } public EmployeeVO getSalesPersonInfo(Integer loc, Integer ID, Connection c) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException { EmployeeVO vo = null; int id = ID.intValue(); boolean connectionWasPassed = true; StringBuffer sbSQL = new StringBuffer(512); sbSQL.append("SELECT "); //Fields to select sbSQL.append(Sch_Employee.EMPLOYEE_NUM + ", ").append(Sch_Employee.FIRST_NAME + ", ").append(Sch_Employee.LAST_NAME); sbSQL.append(", ").append(Sch_Employee.MIDDLE_INITIAL); //From cluse sbSQL.append(" FROM " + Sch_Tables.EMPLOYEE); //Where Cluase sbSQL.append(" WHERE " + Sch_Employee.ID + " = " + id); //.append (" AND " + Sch_Employee.REF_EMPLOYEE_JOB_CODE_ID + " IN (" + SALESMAN_JOB_CODES + ")"); sbSQL.append(" AND " + Sch_Employee.LOC + " = " + loc); logger.debug("getSalesPersonInfo = " + sbSQL.toString()); try { if (c == null) { c = ServerUtil.getConnection(); connectionWasPassed = false; } Statement stmt = c.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sbSQL.toString()); if ( { vo = new EmployeeVO(); vo.setID(ID); vo.setEmployeeNum((Integer)rs.getObject(Sch_Employee.EMPLOYEE_NUM)); vo.setFirstName(rs.getString(Sch_Employee.FIRST_NAME)); vo.setLastName(rs.getString(Sch_Employee.LAST_NAME)); vo.setMiddleInitial(rs.getString(Sch_Employee.MIDDLE_INITIAL) == null ? "" : rs.getString(Sch_Employee.MIDDLE_INITIAL)); } JDBCUtil.closeResultSet(rs); JDBCUtil.closeStatement(stmt); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("getSalesPersonInfo", e); } finally { if(c != null && !connectionWasPassed) { ServerUtil.releaseConnection(c); } } logger.debug("Done getSalesPersonInfo"); return vo; } //For now getEmployeeInfo looks very similar to getSalesPersonInfo, in future this may populate //more information into employeeVO than getSalesPersonInfo does. We should consider the //option to remove getSalesPersonInfo, insted keep only getEmployeeInfo even though it may //send more data to the client than need. If we do removed getSalesPersonInfo, we will have //to modify EmployeeServiceImpl on the client side to use getEmployeeInfo rather than //getSalesPersonInfo public EmployeeVO getEmployeeInfo(Integer loc, Integer ID) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException { //needs to return language of employee EmployeeVO vo = getEmployeeDetailInfoByID(loc, ID); logger.debug("Done with getEmployeeInfo."); return vo; } public Vector getCurrentEmployeesList(Integer loc) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException { return getCurrentEmployeeList(loc, null); } public Vector getCurrentEmployeeList(Integer loc, Connection c) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException { Vector v = new Vector(); EmployeeVO vo = null; String sSQL = CURRENT_EMPLOYEE_SELECT_SQL + whereClauseForCuurentPayPeriodEmployee(loc); logger.debug("getEmployeeList = " + sSQL); boolean connectionWasPassed = true; try { if (c == null) { c = ServerUtil.getConnection(); connectionWasPassed = false; } Statement stmt = c.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sSQL); while ( { vo = new EmployeeVO(); vo.setEmployeeNum((Integer) rs.getObject(Sch_Employee.EMPLOYEE_NUM)); vo.setFirstName(rs.getString(Sch_Employee.FIRST_NAME)); vo.setLastName(rs.getString(Sch_Employee.LAST_NAME)); v.add(vo); } JDBCUtil.closeResultSet(rs); JDBCUtil.closeStatement(stmt); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("getCurrentEmployeeList", e); } finally { if (c != null && !connectionWasPassed) { ServerUtil.releaseConnection(c); } } logger.debug("Done getCurrentEmployeeList"); return v; } public Vector getTimeEnteredEmployeesList() throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException { return getTimeEnteredEmployeesList(null); } public Vector getTimeEnteredEmployeesList(Connection c) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException { Vector v = new Vector(); EmployeeVO vo = null; String sSQL = TIME_ENTERED_EMPLOYEE_SELECT_SQL + whereClauseForClockInEmployees(); logger.debug("getTimeEnteredEmployeeList = " + sSQL); boolean connectionWasPassed = true; try { if (c == null) { c = ServerUtil.getConnection(); connectionWasPassed = false; } Statement stmt = c.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sSQL); while ( { vo = new EmployeeVO(); vo.setEmployeeNum((Integer) rs.getObject(Sch_Employee.EMPLOYEE_NUM)); vo.setFirstName(rs.getString(Sch_Employee.FIRST_NAME)); vo.setLastName(rs.getString(Sch_Employee.LAST_NAME)); v.add(vo); } JDBCUtil.closeResultSet(rs); JDBCUtil.closeStatement(stmt); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("getTimeEnteredEmployeeList", e); } finally { if (c != null && !connectionWasPassed) { ServerUtil.releaseConnection(c); } } logger.debug("Done getTimeEnteredEmployeeList"); return v; } public EmployeeVO getStoreManagerOrDistrictOfficeEmpInfo(int location) { EmployeeVO employeeVO = null; Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { connection = ServerUtil.getConnection(); statement = connection.prepareStatement(SELECT_STORE_MANAGER_OR_DIST_OFFICE_EMP); statement.setInt(1, location); resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); if( { employeeVO = new EmployeeVO(); employeeVO.setID((Integer)resultSet.getObject(Sch_Employee.ID)); employeeVO.setEmployeeNum((Integer) resultSet.getObject(Sch_Employee.EMPLOYEE_NUM)); } } catch (SQLException sqlException) { logger.error("Exception occured while getting manager info ", sqlException); } finally { JDBCUtil.closeResultSet(resultSet); JDBCUtil.closePreparedStatement(statement); if (connection != null) { ServerUtil.releaseConnection(connection); } } return employeeVO; } public EmployeeVO getEmployeeAccountInfo(Integer loc, Integer empNum) throws RemoteException, PointOfSaleException { return getEmployeeAccountInfo(loc, empNum, null); } private EmployeeVO getEmployeeAccountInfo(Integer loc, Integer empNum, Connection conn) throws PointOfSaleException, RemoteException { EmployeeVO vo = null; String sSQL = EMPLOYEE_ACCOUNT_INFO_SELECT_SQL + whereClauseForEmployeeAccountInfo(loc, empNum); logger.debug("getEmployeeDetailInfo = " + sSQL); vo = getAccountInfo(sSQL, conn); logger.debug("Done getEmployeeDetailInfo"); return vo; } private EmployeeVO getAccountInfo(String sSQL, Connection c) { EmployeeVO vo = null; boolean connectionWasPassed = true; try { if (c == null) { c = ServerUtil.getConnection(); connectionWasPassed = false; } Statement stmt = c.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sSQL); if ( { vo = new EmployeeVO(); vo.setID((Integer)rs.getObject(Sch_Employee.ID)); vo.setPasswordExpDate(rs.getDate(Sch_Employee.PASSWORD_EXP_DATE)); vo.setRefPasswordStatus((Integer)rs.getObject(Sch_Employee.REF_PASSWORD_STATUS_ID)); } JDBCUtil.closeResultSet(rs); JDBCUtil.closeStatement(stmt); }catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("getEmployeeAccountInfo", e); } finally { if(c != null && !connectionWasPassed) { ServerUtil.releaseConnection(c); } } return vo; } public String getEmployeeIdUsingNum(String empNum, String loc){ StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; String result = null; try { buff.append("select ID from employee where EMPLOYEE_NUM = ? and LOC = ?"); logger.debug("getEmployeeID query: " + buff); connection = ServerUtil.getConnection(); preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(buff.toString()); preparedStatement.setString(1, empNum); preparedStatement.setString(2, loc); resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); if ( { result = resultSet.getObject("ID").toString(); } return result; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("getEmployeeID exception", e); } finally { JDBCUtil.closeResultSet(resultSet); JDBCUtil.closePreparedStatement(preparedStatement); ServerUtil.releaseConnection(connection); } return result; } }