################################################################################ # # Generic settings: # serviceId # type: ESB, HTTP, HTTPS, NOOP, SOAPJMS # group # weight # timeout # For HTTP/S The format is: # timeout[,retryCount,retryInterval,retryTimeout] # retryCount - Number of retries # retryInterval - Interval between connection retry. 0 means no timeout. # retryTimeout - Timeout value on each connection attempt in milliseconds. 0 means no timeout. # throttleChain # forwardMapping # reverseMapping # CheckMode # CheckInterval # ResetInterval # Health-Check Method: HTTP, HTTPS, HealthCheckURL, TCPEcho, ContentVerification, SampleRequest # # Health-Check Method # HealthCheckURL # TCPEcho # ContentVerification # SampleRequest # # Health-Check Method # TCPEcho # ContentVerification # SampleRequest # # ESB: # esbChannel[,queue_or_topic_name[,queue/topic]] # The first field is the channel # The second field is the name of the custom queue or topic destination. # The third field is the destination type. queue is the default. # service[,mode] # The first field is service # The second field is mode. It is either 'sync'/'async' # serviceInstance # operation # # NOOP: # No special settings # # HTTP: # soapAction # uri # host # port # username # password # headersToForward # method # # HTTPS: # soapAction # uri # host # port # username # password # headersToForward # method # dssPropertyFilePath # isAnonymous # # SOAPJMS: # SoapAction # JMSPriority # JMSExpiration # DestinationName # DestinationType (queue|topic) # targetService # contentType # ################################################################################ # internal service_ping|NOOP|||20000||mp_pingAsgFwd|mp_pingAsgRev|||||| #----------------BEGIN APG_POS_InvoiceFeed--------------# service_InvoiceFeed_01|HTTP|InvoiceFeed||20000,0,0,0|InvoiceFeed_RATE_THROTTLE||||||||||/ReceiveInvoiceFeed|duapgdresbapp11.genpt.net|19426|||*, -apikey|POST|SYNC|| service_InvoiceFeed_02|HTTP|InvoiceFeed||20000,0,0,0|InvoiceFeed_RATE_THROTTLE||||||||||/ReceiveInvoiceFeed|duapgdresbapp12.genpt.net|19426|||*, -apikey|POST|SYNC|| #----------------END APG_POS_InvoiceFeed----------------#